
joined 2 years ago
[–] cstine@lemmy.uncomfortable.business 17 points 2 years ago (2 children)

Yep, straight from Macarena to Tubthumping and nobody even noticed.

[–] cstine@lemmy.uncomfortable.business 19 points 2 years ago (1 children)

I'm still waiting for .rar so I can buy unregistered.rar, which is the way it's meant to be.

[–] cstine@lemmy.uncomfortable.business 124 points 2 years ago (16 children)

Because it's no longer 1996 and there are domains beyond ccTLDs and com/net/org?

[–] cstine@lemmy.uncomfortable.business 2 points 2 years ago (1 children)

I understand not liking Apple, but my point was more that x86, even good x86, is still literally hot trash if you want anything resembling modern performance.

I really hope that someone steps up with ARM-based laptops that can natively run Linux (because screw Microsoft and the shitty ARM stuff they've done to date) and that they ship at a reasonable price and with sufficient performance. Until then, the sole vendor that can provide cool-running, silent, high-performance ARM with 15ish hours of battery life is... Apple.

[–] cstine@lemmy.uncomfortable.business 4 points 2 years ago (3 children)

No, not really: even at idle the fans are still moving air, and the laptop is warm enough that you can notice it. You CAN force them off, but then you've got a laptop that gets unbearably hot pretty quickly, so that's not really a workable tradeoff.

I've honestly just kinda given up and use the M1 for everything because it literally never gets warm, and never makes a single sound unless I do something that uses 100% CPU for an extended period of time.

[–] cstine@lemmy.uncomfortable.business 13 points 2 years ago (5 children)

Windows task manager is a poor indicator of actual clock speed for a number of reasons, one of which is that it's going to report the highest clock speed and not the lowest one, which in highly multi-core CPUs isn't really representative of what the CPU is actually doing. Looking at individual core clocks and power usage is more indicative of what's actually happening.

That said, I've had pretty bad luck with x86 laptops with the higher-end CPUs; even if you get them to fantastic power usage they're still... not amazing. I managed to tweak my G14 into using about 10w at idle, which sounds great, until you look at my M1 Macbook which idles under 3w.

If thermals are really a concern, you may want to look at the low voltage variants, and not the high performance, though that's a tradeoff all on it's own.

[–] cstine@lemmy.uncomfortable.business 5 points 2 years ago (3 children)

I guess the real question, ultimately, is how do you deprogram the worst elements of this cohort so that they can like.... respond and converse like a normal human without having to argue every single thing and go on and on and on until they "win"? (Which, IMO, means the other person has just gotten tired of dealing with them more than anything else.)

I will happily admit I have absolutely no idea, and will also admit that I have on more than one occasion been That Guy Posting but I really really try to not let myself be.

[–] cstine@lemmy.uncomfortable.business 10 points 2 years ago (6 children)

While I'm not a psychologist, I read far too much crap online, so take this as a layman's view.

There's been a lot of research around the dopamine feedback loop around social media, as well as the fact that arguing and "winning" is a major dopamine hit, so I wouldn't be the least bit shocked that a lot of the more toxic people are literally addicted to the dopamine that social networks give you that they're arguing and posting for no other reason than their next hit.

[–] cstine@lemmy.uncomfortable.business 3 points 2 years ago (2 children)

If you want to keep up with trending topics, find news outlets you believe provide you the proper coverage of what you're after, and just follow the RSS feeds instead.

Mastodon/Lemmy/Reddit/Facebook/Twitter are there for people to post hot takes on the news, not just share the news. RSS is the way to go if the news is what you're after, and not people commenting on the news.

[–] cstine@lemmy.uncomfortable.business 5 points 2 years ago* (last edited 2 years ago) (2 children)

Eh, I wouldn't go about 'the self-hosted admins didn't do anything!'. There never really was a time when the majority (or even a meaningiful minority) of users hosted their own email.

In the beginning, you got your email address from your school or your ISP, and it changed whenever you left/changed providers, so the initial "free" email came from the likes of Hotmail (which rapidly became Microsoft), Yahoo (which was uh, Yahoo), and offerings from the big ISPs of the era, like AOL and whatnot.

You still had school and ISP email, but it just rapidly fell out of fashion because your Hotmail/Yahoo/AOL email never changed regardless of what ISP you used or whatever, so it was legitimately a better solution.

And then Google came along with Gmail and it was so much better than every other offering that they effectively ate the whole damn market by default because all the people who were providing the free webmail at that time didn't do a damn thing to improve until after Google had already "won".

So if you want to be mad, this is firmly Microsoft and Yahoo's fault for being lazy fucks.

[–] cstine@lemmy.uncomfortable.business 8 points 2 years ago (1 children)

Keep in mind that you're going to be retrieving and storing a huge amount of data running these scripts, and you should expect to need more than a $5 1gb of RAM vps to do it without it being a shitty broken experience for you.

We're talking dozens of gigabytes of storage for the database, plus effectively a need for an infinite amount of storage for the image caching, plus enough RAM and CPU resources to effectively process the whole Threadiverse.

[–] cstine@lemmy.uncomfortable.business 36 points 2 years ago (3 children)

I killed all delivery nonsense a while ago. It was like 4 fees plus a demand for a tip on top of inflated prices; go to the restaurant and pay $15 or pay DoorDash $35 for the same shit? Fuck that, I'll drive and pick my own damn food up.

And bonus, if half of it gets eaten in the car - I mean "wasn't given to me by the restaurant", sorry - at least I'm the one who ate the damn thing.

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