What is your point? That you're more enlightened than us plebs or something?
Their employer is probably using Windows because they're locked in so that's a red herring. Their mom, if not using Windows for similar reasons, is probably using some variant of Ubuntu.
Your hypothetical user could throw a dart at a list of distros and just install the one it hits.
Assuming this is even real, someone is conflating the concept of "food grade" with being edible.
I mean how are you trying to install it with wine? Like just double clicking the exe, doing it via commandline, using the wine settings installer gui, etc?
Why would a game company prefer to distribute their game with Steam instead of as shareware? Also nothing about having an NFT-based ownership license to a copy of a game precludes it from being on Steam except Steam not wanting to have a secondary market. Outside of a bean counters ledger there is nothing incompatible with them.
To the question it's clickbaiting you to see:
The problem is the lack of a representative version of Linux.
And the response is that Linux is not Windows or OSX. It doesn't work the same way. The point of 80 gazillion different flavors is that it can be made to be what is wanted or needed. ChromeOS and Android are Linux and I'd argue they both qualify as "desktop" even if Android rocks many phones in mobile mode. If you don't like sysv init for whatever reason you can find a bunch that don't use it. Want to install a modern version on a 486? You can with lightweight 32-bit distros, though it'll be terrible and it means you're a masochist.
Possibly because OSX is pretty similar under the hood by its nature as a *BSD derivative, and Windows has WSL which has become pretty good from what I'm told. A casual user may simply not encounter the need to install a whole different operating system on bare metal anymore.
But I think the reason, special cases aside, is that they haven't given it an honest try. It's not the Duplo of operating systems, to get what you're after out of it you have to actually try, to learn how. It's easier to give up and go back to what seems to work based on it being the first thing they saw.
Just curious, how are you trying to install it?
Makes more sense than creating a parent company out of whole cloth and calling it Alphabet.
What a Hachette job. They should be ashamed but they won't be.
Maybe that's just another feature. Eternal September sucks, as evidence by this very interaction.