
joined 10 months ago
[–] 1 points 9 months ago

Yo i already wrote a lot, but i'm curious what you mean by this:

I also estimate that the on-chain data will be around 5 kilobytes per transaction (or 2kb with on-chain decompression).

[–] 1 points 9 months ago

Do you actually need the math function on-chain? What makes this function so special and complicated that it can't be simplified with existing gas-efficient libraries? Have you already written up the algo in solidity? (assuming you have since you mentioned hardhat)

Have you considered using an optimistic prover? You can publish a pairing of {inputs,outputs} without actually running the algorithm, and if anyone challenges it, then they can pay the gas to run this complex algorithm (I think this can be done with ZK provers as well) and show the results were wrong. This might require some stake (0.1 ETH?) when people push new {input,output} sets though, since there needs to be a penalty for lying. Of course whoever calls you out for lying should get their gas reimbursed, plus maybe some reward.

To answer your original question, polygon or a rollup may be the right choice. Consider also: Gnosis chain and Celo. Those are fairly cheap at the moment, but still large enough to offer good security. My recent calculations were showing less than 0.03 USD per 1 million gas for all of these chains. Fuse is a very inexpensive EVM chain but is less secure due to low marketcap of the FUSE token, so keep this in mind if you expect your project to have significant TVL.

Finally, note that gas costs are primarily driven by storage reads/writes, which is non-volatile memory. "memory" in the solidity sense is expensive-ish, and that is data that doesn't persist after the transaction finishes. Try to minimize writes/reads of storage first, then memory if possible to reduce your gas costs. Keep in mind one "read/write" is 32 bytes, so you can pack data cleverly to reduce total reads/writes

[–] 1 points 9 months ago

Technically Ethereum is not an ERC20 token. But, often exchanges simply label it as ERC20 since the address is the same.

Do you have Ethereum (ETH)? If so, you can DM me your address and i can simply confirm that it is, in fact, the real ETH. If you attempt to deposit ETH on localcoinswap and the only option is "ERC20", i would bet that it is just mis-labelled and yes, you can deposit it.

[–] 1 points 10 months ago

The transaction 0xe5e7266bf6abb1babf4024373957f04f0c7c61eb14670502acf2374a4ed4e8e6 was a basic ether send, which means somehow you gave away your private key or signed ~~a message~~ [this transaction when] you should not have

There are a few ways someone can get your private key. Physical access is one, but another is by signing messages with certain overlapping parameters, then some clever crypto math can be done to deduce your private key.

[–] 1 points 10 months ago

I would advise you request payment in "Native" ETH. This is just called ETH, and probably what your client is offering. If so, you are good, it is really difficult to scam someone from simply sending them ETH.

This is the only asset on Ethereum that will increase your account's balance on Etherscan dot io. You will see tokens - these are different from ETH. I would suggest NOT to accept any "tokens", since these have some potential to be scams.

If your guy does a transaction and you receive it, and see it on Etherscan, It should say "ETH Balance:" and the number you are expecting