If they’re free, why did you vote for a candidate who supports genocide?
There’s no way I’m watching any more of that absolutely disgusting bile. I hate Piers Morgan, he’s a horrible, racist, piece of shit. I’m just as outraged about people being islamophobic. People being islamophobic doesn’t mean that we should accept anti-semitism, what kind of backwards argument is this?
Israel isn’t representative of Jewish people. It uses jewish people as a shield from criticism. Israel is a pro-US colonialist project before it’s jewish. This is like saying that people hate leftists but they voted for the national socialist german worker’s party
No, not really, because the US elections aren’t free. More americans didn’t vote for them than did vote for them. So by your own metric, they didn’t go out of their way to vote for genocide
totally false, it is the state itself that is conducting the genocide. this is like saying that americans are responsible for the genocide because they voted for trump or harris
That’s interesting, I wonder if there’s some historical precedent that may make people slightly more concerned about anti-semitism rather than anti-christian sentiment.
Fuck all religions, criticise Judaism all you want. But if you start talking about jews (or Christians or Muslims) as if they’re some sort of monolithic group, you’re being an asshole.
Edit: Holy shit, I watched the first 10 seconds of that video and the guest said “Jewish supremacy is the biggest threat to the world today”, which is one of the most overt, outrageously anti-semitic statements I’ve heard in the 21st century. Whoever that guy is, he should not be allowed on TV or YouTube, holy fuck.
Why can’t you just say “genocide is being perpetuated by Israel”, why do you have to make it about jews?
First of all, fuck Israel, it’s a disgusting, genocidal, colonialist state. But with that said, unironically, your message comes across as quite anti-semitic, because you went to some deliberate effort to write “Israeli Jew”. Why? There are loads of jews in Israel who are our allies in opposing the Israeli state’s genocide.
Israel is genocidal and is itself anti-semitic. Conflating Israel with judaism is anti-semitic, and more than anyone else, we should all know better than to do this right-wing dog whistle shit.
Just for context, I’m an experienced software engineer with years of experience with both C++ and C#, as well as several others, including Rust. You can do shallow and deep copies in C# as well, it’s done extremely infrequently because it’s usually a bit of a code smell and it has some downsides - it’s inefficient both for performance and for memory.
In C# the assignment operator will copy the value if it’s a value type (structs and primitives) and copy the reference if it’s a reference type (classes). It does that because it’s a garbage collected language and it needs to track how memory is referenced and so on.
The whole debate about what languages are better is honestly a bit silly, IMO. C, C++, Python, C#, Javascript, Rust, they all serve their purpose, they have their strengths and weaknesses.
yes, they hate arabs most of all, so they probably consider israel’s genocide to be based. they probably love the concept that they’re funding a war that will kill lots of jews and lots of arabs