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[–] dtjones@lemmy.world 2 points 6 months ago

It's also ironic how their goal is to "save democracy." If you can't vote the way you want to without losing that democracy, was it actually a democracy in the first place?

If you just even kinda agree with the above, we should all be furious that Dems are using this opportunity to hold voters hostage while they support genocide. Biden would course correct far faster if the base were as angry as the progressives, and then maybe we could all unite again.

[–] dtjones@lemmy.world 4 points 6 months ago

I would add Pinta as another drop-in replacement for MS Paint

[–] dtjones@lemmy.world 9 points 7 months ago (1 children)

Bro he's saying that you're supposed to realize how fucked up it is (and ideally be revolted) that corporations - who don't give a shit about you or anyone else - team up to prevent bright young adults from having a career and affording to live as payback for exposing their inhumanity/making them look foolish.

Instead you're over here like "yeah I lick corporate boot and will gladly accept being stepped on if I get to keep my career." This girl is a hero for standing up to the likes of cloudflare and we should all aspire to have her courage.

[–] dtjones@lemmy.world 0 points 8 months ago

This comment is so shitty and condescending and completely devoid of intelligence. It reads the same as "Please do not invoke my white privilege as an excuse to let Trump take away my white privilege." Liberals love to act like they care about issues but comments like these come off so self-centered. I don't live in some fantasy world where a second Trump presidency is better than a second Biden presidency, but liberals are so adamant that it has to be Biden. Why aren't liberals outraged that the DNC is forcing an unpopular candidate down our throats again? The most common response I see is "it's complicated" but it's not fucking complicated in the slightest, liberals just want to be comfortable and they'll gladly roll over and take it from anyone who promises them to at least use lube. Yes I'm talking about you.

[–] dtjones@lemmy.world 1 points 8 months ago* (last edited 8 months ago) (3 children)

I've been having the same thoughts. I think liberals, especially white liberals, are scared of a Trump presidency because, for once, the fallout might come down on them. They don't have to be scared of a Biden presidency, because their lives can continue on as they have been. So then they attack you for saying that the US is already a fascist state, even though it already is for anyone who isn't white and straight.

[–] dtjones@lemmy.world 4 points 10 months ago (1 children)

It's also a state where your primary residence is shielded if you need to declare bankruptcy...

[–] dtjones@lemmy.world 7 points 11 months ago* (last edited 11 months ago)

I think you have the right idea but came to the wrong conclusion. Why would anyone buy office space if there is no value in employees coming to the office? Hint: they wouldn't.

Edited to add: these properties may become a liability on their books which would impact their ability to apply for or pay for loans, as well as other negatives for the company.

[–] dtjones@lemmy.world 5 points 1 year ago

We already have DNA tests for that which don't require a whole database? A comprehensive DNA database could be used for extreme evil, such as mass systemic genocide or eugenics.

[–] dtjones@lemmy.world 13 points 1 year ago (3 children)

I feel like I need to step in and personally rebuke this shit. Voting absolutely does work. Showing up to vote once isn't going to magically fix everything - it's going to take many election cycles to reverse course. US policy doesn't reflect the will of the people because we've been apathetic for so long. Saying "voting doesn't help" implies there's no point in voting, and not voting guarantees that we will lose our democracy. I'm sympathetic to those who have been hurt by the conservative and capitalist agenda in this country who are losing hope, but making claims like this essentially makes you an ally to the corpofascist machine.

Please vote.

[–] dtjones@lemmy.world 13 points 1 year ago (2 children)

I've seen this a lot lately on lemmy - that android needs "saving" or that we need government intervention to stop Apple. But, I would argue that android is its own worst enemy. Even the best android phones are plagued by quality issues, both hardware and software. Google's own pixel lineup has seasonal class action lawsuits over build issues, and now they automatically opt you into non-arbitration agreements whenever you activate a new Google phone.

Personally, I'm willing to take the risk because, in my experience, stock android is just so much better than iOS (and other android flavors). But therein lies the issue - android could compete with iPhone just fine, but android manufacturers can't (or won't) compete with apple's relentless pursuit of build quality and software polish. Another damning aspect of this is that Google is supposed to be the best software company in the world, yet they've taken more than a decade to figure out messaging - something apple figured out back in ~2010. Android doesn't deserve to claw back market share in the US until their phones are actually better per $ than the iPhone.
