Let’s see how the metaverse is doing now…oh…
Those shits are STILL asking me for money now. Fuck you, fire these grifters and run a campaign that works next time.
Zuckerberg zucks Trump’s choad as much as Elon behind the scenes. It’s kinda worse in a way.
I trust “random Lemmy person” to have more brains than the GOP
Looks like I’ll never get to taste Chunky Gaza Green Tea Genocide…thanks a lot Unilever
Trump had over 50% in almost all states he won. 3rd party vote isn’t the reason we’re in this predicament.
“I do not care about black people!” - Kanye prolly
I regularly manipulate my 2008 Toyota matrix’s radio and HVAC controls while never taking my eyes off the road. I won’t buy any car that forgoes the physical controls.
I mean…unless your chest freezer is the size of your garage, its contents ain’t gonna feed you and your family for 4 years
Wait, the guardian isn’t your character?
Hopefully this “mass deportation” will be as feeble as Trump’s 2 mile long joke of a wall…
Washington Post? Wasn’t Bezos licking your orange taint by silencing his editorial department enough of a payoff?