Some people insist remote viewing and astral projection are real. See if you can figure out how to do them and, ideally, prove them.
I do agree on principle. Having said that, don't you just feel it in your bones that George Clooney is meant to be president? Precisely because he looks like he does?
To be fair, Jesus wasn't a fan of temples. This lady is just Jesus 2.0: Jesus Gets a Gun.
And she didn't! It's just that her joy was opening fire inside Lakewood Church with a child in tow.
Mmm, burnt beans.
I didn't know I needed it, but subscribed.
He sounds like a real Clar Khunt.
Thanks, I downloaded the demo. Looks interesting.
One that actually slightly boosts or decreases your circulation. It'd be so good. Also AI-generated text articles could be incredible.
This is what really did it, in my professional opinion. They would have been just fine without any engines had they not been flying over any terrain. Unfortunately, this time they just weren't so lucky, as they were flying over a Florida interstate, which might even be fine for a plane going slow on its wheels, but not for flying through. I suspect the NTSB and FAA will concur.
Just a quick Google auto-answer. I figured there might be some funny business like that, thanks.
I agree with the second part: I'm so glad he's back on. But I disagree with the first part. I found it weirdly surreal and reflection-inducing.