
joined 11 months ago
[–] jjfosh@alien.top 1 points 9 months ago (1 children)

I must ask why do you have 650's and 6xx's

[–] jjfosh@alien.top 1 points 10 months ago

How do they compare to the dt 1990? How do u feel about the non replaceable headband?

[–] jjfosh@alien.top 1 points 10 months ago

I bought the 1990 over 900 thinking it was much better. Besides looks a lot cooler lol


I am not an audiophile. I have only owned the hd 599's prior to these two cans. I haven't seen enough reviews about the amiron homes so I want to give out my opinion. I will be comparing them using dekoni elite velours.

Comfort - amirons are slightly more comfortable because they're lighter and less clampy but I'd say 5% comfier. I wear bigger glasses too

Looks - both look nice! I prefer dt 1990.

Accessories - I didn't have stock dt 1990 cables because I bought them used and only had the coiled cable so I bought a replacement cable off Amazon. I prefer the dual headphone like the amirons. Only had the analytical pads from the dt 1990 but I use dekoni pads. Amirons have a nice carrying case unfortunately won't bring them anywhere due to being open back and requiring an amp.


Treble - to my ears they are similar but the dt 1990 are brighter.

Mids - dt 1990 just have the liveliness to them that the amirons lack. Dt 1990 are more intimate regarding soundstage so it makes the vocals quite more enjoying. The males sounds the same maybe due to the midbass bump. The females are a different story maybe because the 1990s are brighter. Someone like sia and Adele just sounds more full and much more enjoyable. On the amirons they sound too far where their vocals cannot be truly represented.

Lows - amirons are more warm but the dt 1990 have more detail on the bass.

Soundstage - amirons are wider and the dt 1990 are rather more intimate. The amirons sound too wide where detail is lost.

Instrument separation - dt 1990 wins but maybe because everything seems closer due to the more intimate soundstage it is allowing me to hear it better?

Detail - amirons are close in detail compared to the 1990 but not close enough. I will choose 1990 every time maybe due to the more intimate soundstage just makes everything as I said earlier. Basically the amirons sound too far away to pick out all nuances

Overall the amirons sell for $150 bucks less average. Personally I would buy the dt 1990. They both have great build quality although the wires on the 1990 are concerning me. The amirons are wider and more warm and the dt1990 are the opposite being. A little more intimate with better mids and detail. I am going to buy the hd 600 after writing out the mids section lol. This was fun to write although it was a bit of a mess. I think my points were good enough


So half a year back I bought the dt 1990 pro and I am here to compare the dekoni pads of what I have purchased. Zeos review was pretty accurate but I want to give a non audiophile or experienced opinion on the pads I have. I am running it off the asged 3 from Schiit by the way switching between low and high gain. To my ears the low gain is flat with some bassy yet the high gain brings out the opposite mids and definitely highs adding a little excitement. All are comfortable in my opinion although the sheepskin can get a little hot in Florida. Welcome to the most unprofessional review of headphone pads. You are welcome Dekoni.

Choice suede - the soundstage didn't change to my ears except for these pads. These are wide! The bass hits! It has the bass of the sheepskin without the shouty and stuffy sound. The treble energy shows me why people hate these cans (they weren't too much but I can definitely see why) the mids are good as good. These are intense! Good or bad? Depends! I like it but I have to go back to velour because it's rather exhausting listening to them.

Elite velour - to my ears these are the flattest headphones I cannot hear anything bad about the bass like people say. The highs didn't bother me stock but these are pleasing to my ears. These are almost boring coming from choice suede. Btw these are the most airy sound of all. They sound like the most open instead of semi open which all the rest sound semi open.

Elite hybrid - these were interesting because zeos said it brang out vocals I would say more brings them forward. If that means the same I'm not sure it just sets everything else little behind the vocals. Just like the sheepskin little stuffy sometimes. Energy and everything just becomes trapped inside.

Elite sheepskin - no. Don't buy these. The whole sound is trapped inside just a mess of sound lol there's bass buuutt makes them sound like crappy bass head cans.

I recommend just buying the velour cheapest and best! I'd love to hear people's comments to what they hear. I also have amirons but nothing but velour goes on them lol. Any other pad destroys the sound.