
joined 8 months ago
[–] jqubed@lemmy.world 1 points 17 minutes ago* (last edited 12 minutes ago)

If the US version is not the same as the EU version there’s probably a regulatory reason they’re not using the EU version. Or maybe an EU recall is coming. I don’t know the specifics here, but generally if a US vehicle is different from its EU version there’s a regulatory reason.

Car makers would prefer if North American and European regulators could agree to a single standard for everything because it would simplify their designs and lower costs, as well as open more markets to niche vehicles that aren’t worth the investment to modify, but it hasn’t happened so far. There’s a mix of egos in play as well as legitimately different needs for different regions, but the legitimate issues should be resolvable if there was political will.

EDIT: I suppose it’s also possible the Chattanooga plant just was following a bad assembly procedure or sourced a bad part that isn’t an issue from other factories.

[–] jqubed@lemmy.world 3 points 3 days ago (2 children)

I counted backwards once and figured out I was conceived the same month as my parents’ anniversary. I thought I might’ve been the result of their anniversary trip to Jamaica, and for some reason that made me uncomfortable knowing that. A few years later they were talking about the trip and that they didn’t know my mom was pregnant at the time. So thinking more it made sense that I was actually probably from a week or two beforehand, but then that means mom was drinking while pregnant because she didn’t know (although I’m assuming that early doesn’t have much impact).

[–] jqubed@lemmy.world 14 points 3 days ago (2 children)

The first Austin Powers movie, watched it with my mom when I was, like, 14. Super awkward at that age with all the sex jokes. We never spoke of it again.

[–] jqubed@lemmy.world 4 points 4 days ago

I won a game in Civ V recently as the Aztecs but kept going because the Polynesians were my neighbors the whole game and a thorn in my side. Just before the end the French asked if I wanted to declare war on Polynesia so I agreed to start in ten turns. I haven’t picked it back up, though, because I know it’s going to be a big slog and I haven’t sat down with the time or mental energy for it. But it’s also kept me from starting another game.

[–] jqubed@lemmy.world 52 points 5 days ago* (last edited 5 days ago) (7 children)

It wasn’t even his house; it was his girlfriend’s. She thought they were trespassers, she called him for help (she also called the sheriff) and he showed up pointing a gun.

[–] jqubed@lemmy.world 40 points 5 days ago (5 children)

What’s funny to me is Ireland wasn’t trying to collect these taxes, the European Commission decided that the Irish taxes were too low and amounted to an illegal subsidy.

[–] jqubed@lemmy.world 2 points 6 days ago

We have a flat monthly fee of $26.50 and usage is $0.1133/kWh (all prices US dollars). It’s also possible to have a Time of Use plan; for residential there’s still the flat $26.50 fee and then peak usage bills at $0.2345/kWh and off-peak at $0.0623/kWh. If you have a bilateral system (solar panels) the credit for power supplied during peak hours is $0.1539/kWh and off-peak is $0.0373/kWh. Integrated battery systems are not allowed if you go with Time of Use metering. For now the basic residential service (same rate all the time) credits solar production at the same rate as consumption, but that could change in the future.

[–] jqubed@lemmy.world 3 points 6 days ago

At 50¢/kWh even adding batteries and trying to be as disconnected as (legally) possible from the grid might pay for itself!

[–] jqubed@lemmy.world 2 points 6 days ago (1 children)

I only saw a promo for it once and was pretty grossed-out, but had to at least look up the Wikipedia. I don’t think I was the target audience, other than it reminding me of 30 Rock.

[–] jqubed@lemmy.world 3 points 6 days ago (1 children)

If the TV supports it. I haven’t come across many in the wild that really use it, or at least situations where a TV and device both work well with the protocol.

[–] jqubed@lemmy.world 4 points 6 days ago

Yes it’s for a cable box/DVR. The Spectrum logo is for Spectrum cable, the brand that resulted from the Charter Communications purchase of Time Warner Cable and Bright House Networks.

[–] jqubed@lemmy.world 3 points 6 days ago

It depends entirely on the band, my budget, and time. One that tours regularly, that I’ve seen before and can see again, probably only an hour, hour-and-half. One that’s not from this country, or I’ve never seen and they’re likely not going to tour anymore, or it’s a really unique show? I’m more willing to travel far, potentially even another country or continent if I can afford it. The farther I go the more I want to make a big trip of it: at least a weekend if not even a week or more if I were going to Europe or something. The closest I’ve come to that, though, was making a long weekend to Washington, D.C. during the cherry blossom festival to see Muse. That was about a 4 hour drive away.


My kid’s just finished the classroom part of driver education and it prompted a discussion of crazy things we’ve seen other drivers do.

The craziest thing I saw, many years ago now, was I came up behind a guy driving a Ford Ranger pickup and could see through his rear window that he was doing tricep extensions with a dumbbell in his right hand. I was more surprised as I passed to see he was shaving with an electric razor in his left hand. I don’t really know how he was steering.

Kiddo said they were told personal grooming was the fourth leading cause of accidents.


A couple games popped up on my Steam wishlist at really low prices so I was thinking of getting them, but I’ve also had a few older computers recently that are losing Steam client support. This got me thinking I should really try to compare and get more games on GOG so it doesn’t matter if a client stops working on older hardware. But also following this community has had me thinking a Steam Deck makes a lot of sense for me, so maybe I’ll try to get one in the next year or two. It seems like Steam tries to keep things open to other sources on the device, but have you been playing non-Steam games, and how much hassle has it been?

Also the games I was considering are Donut County and Planet Coaster, if you have any thoughts on those.

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