The problem isn’t merely that Elon Musk is manifestly unsuited to the job of unelected social media tsar. The problem is that no one should have that job.
Canada is pretty bad, but if Russia and Saudi Arabia are not on your list of petrostates, you're doing it wrong.
Could be an episode of Black Mirror
Yes, banning mass surveillance systems including ALPR is a good idea too. In the mean time, go ahead and take care of the problems that are your own responsibility. Disable the modem, and don't buy a car that has one unless you're sure you can do that.
Haha silly Manjaro users, only 6.83 happy while I am 6.93 happy as a Debian user. My Linux knowledge is clearly superior to most, not counting those excessively happy freaks running Slackware.
What a story. If only it were possible to share articles like this on social media somehow.
Do Italians actually care about putting pineapple on pizza? I thought that was just Americans.
"I was well within my rights and I was not doing anything unjust," Dsta'hyl told reporters on Wednesday. "We were seizing equipment that was destroying our lands."
He may well have been within his rights. But it also seems clear that he was not imprisoned "solely because of his political, religious, or other conscientiously held beliefs." I don't understand the rationale for this declaration.
I'm an Xfce user, in the habit of dragging windows around with the "super" key + left mouse button.
For instant access to the browser back button, I have it positioned in the far top-left corner so that just swiping the mouse in that direction hits it without having to look at it. Unless it's on the other monitor, which is mildly annoying when it happens but you know, probably not by enough to change my decades-old habit of buying the cheapest and simplest mouse that's easily available and looks like it might not fall apart in a week, much the same way as I tend to shop for socks: reluctantly, when it's necessary.
Elected officials, journalists, activists, it's gradually becoming clear that everyone who uses centralised social media is part of the problem. Promoting the fediverse and keeping it resistant to takeover by fascists or anyone else ought to be a national security goal.