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[–] koreth@lemm.ee 24 points 10 months ago (3 children)

I was impressed by an earlier mod along similar lines, Portal Stories: Mel. Hope this one is as well-done.

[–] koreth@lemm.ee 6 points 11 months ago* (last edited 11 months ago) (3 children)

I don’t think Netflix actually cancels shows after two seasons any more often than other networks do.

Somehow people got it into their heads that Netflix is far more cancel-happy than its competitors, but if you look at the numbers, traditional TV networks have had like a 50% cancellation rate for decades.

Even TOS was cancelled after two seasons!

If Netflix is more prone to cancelling shows at all, which I’m not convinced is even true, it can’t be by an enormous margin.

[–] koreth@lemm.ee 9 points 11 months ago

The paper (linked from the article) has a photo of the actual tablet in question, which was apparently discovered circa 1900.

[–] koreth@lemm.ee 2 points 1 year ago* (last edited 1 year ago)

Totally fair! They did a good job of making the main storyline playable as a solo player, but the core gameplay loop is still unmistakably MMO-style and not to everyone's taste.

I love that song in particular because (very minor spoiler) it works both as background music and as diegetic music. In the story, that boss is trying to entice you into going permanently to sleep and living in a dream world where you'll achieve all your goals and desires, while becoming her meat puppet in the real world. When you're playing the game rather than watching it with onscreen lyrics on YouTube, you are only sort of half-listening to the song while you focus on the battle, so you don't realize right away that the battle music is the boss singing to you to seduce you into her flock even while you're fighting her.

[–] koreth@lemm.ee 3 points 1 year ago (2 children)

Final Fantasy XIV has a diverse soundtrack and a terrific story, but it is a huge time commitment. The story starts off pretty slow and takes a long time to build up.

A few boss fight themes as examples:


Watched season 1 back when it was first airing, but never got around to season 2. People seem to hate it but I can't quite tell if that's because it wasn't up to the standard of season 1 or if it was just bad TV.

Should I skip it and go straight to season 3? Or is it worth watching on its own merits?

[–] koreth@lemm.ee -1 points 1 year ago (4 children)

"Streamer" has been a widely-used entertainment-industry term for streaming companies for years. It's not a new thing people are making up to be cute.

[–] koreth@lemm.ee 14 points 1 year ago* (last edited 1 year ago)

I think this is a more subtle question than it appears on the surface, especially if you don't think of it as a one-off.

Whether or not Scientology deserves to be called a "religion," it's a safe bet there will be new religions with varying levels of legitimacy popping up in the future. And chances are some of them will have core beliefs that are related to the technology of the day, because it would be weird if that weren't the case. "Swords" and "plowshares" are technological artifacts, after all.

Leaving aside the specific case of Scientology, the question becomes, how do laws that apply to classes of technology interact with laws that treat religious practices as highly protected activities? We've seen this kind of question come up in the context of otherwise illegal drugs that are used in traditional rituals. But religious-tech questions seem like they could have a bunch of unique wrinkles.

[–] koreth@lemm.ee 41 points 1 year ago* (last edited 1 year ago)

lemm.ee's admin is Estonian, so that one at least makes sense.

[–] koreth@lemm.ee 1 points 1 year ago* (last edited 1 year ago)

Tunic, but that was kind of the point.


Domain-driven design includes the idea of a "ubiquitous language" where the engineers and the domain experts and the product owners come together and agree on terminology for all the domain concepts, and the project then uses that terminology everywhere.

But on the projects I've been involved with, much more common is a situation where the requirements docs mostly use one term but sometimes use a different name for the same thing because the docs were worked on by two people who disagreed on the terms, the designers decide they don't like how the words look so the UI calls the concept something else, the database developer reverses the term's word order to fit their personally-preferred schema naming conventions, the API designer invents a compound name that includes both the UI and the database names, and so on. (I only barely exaggerate.) Which names map to which other names becomes tribal knowledge that's usually not written down anywhere.

This kind of thing bugs me a lot, but I seem to be in the minority. I recognize that it makes very little functional difference, but it just feels sloppy to me and I don't like having to remember multiple names for things. I will usually advocate for renaming things in the code for consistency, and other people on the team will almost always agree that it's a good idea and will happily accept my PRs, but I'm usually the only one taking the initiative.

So, my question to you fine folks: am I wrong to care much about this? Do you think using consistent names for domain concepts across the board actually makes a meaningful difference in terms of code maintainability and discoverability? Or is the effort required to keep the names consistent over time actually greater than the mental overhead of working with the inconsistent names?

[–] koreth@lemm.ee 1 points 1 year ago (1 children)

Totally fair! That doesn't particularly bother me but you're right that he does that.

My opinion of the second season is mostly thanks to the mini-movies being more creative. I also enjoy Ken Jeong and John Cho.


I ignored this show when it first came out because the initial trailer didn't do much for me, but I ended up enjoying the first season, and so far I'm enjoying season two even more.

It's kind of a variety-show take on "Rashomon" in the form of a comedy murder-mystery. The gimmick is that in each episode, you get one character's version of the story as a mini-movie in a film style that suits that character. So you'll see the same events unfold as a romantic comedy, an action thriller, a horror movie, a musical, and so on. Some of the mini-movies fall flat, but the ones that work are lots of fun.

The mystery itself was pleasantly constructed in season one, with clues hidden in plain sight from pretty early on if you knew what to look for. Season two isn't finished yet, but it seems like it'll do the same; in the first episode there's a little comedy bit about picking people up from a hotel that's just a quick gag on one level, but is also clearly the writers saying, "Pay attention, because minor inconsistencies are going to matter."

Anyone else watching this show?

[–] koreth@lemm.ee 0 points 1 year ago

I actually did run some numbers on this at one point and found that the cancellation rate on network shows has ranged from 30-50% for the last 70 years, with the average number of seasons hovering just under 2. Reddit post with graphs and sources.

Running the same numbers for streaming services is trickier, and I couldn't figure out a reliable way to get a good data set to analyze. But even so, the numbers for broadcast TV are high enough that it would be numerically impossible for streaming services to, say, be 3 times more likely to cancel a show after one season.


Curious to know how many people do zero-downtime deployment of backend code and how many people regularly take their service down, even if very briefly, to roll out new code.

Zero-downtime deployment is valuable in some applications and a complete waste of effort in others, of course, but that doesn't mean people do it when they should and skip it when it's not useful.

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