I am trying to write a Babashka script that downloads some files from a remote host using an SSH connection. For this, I use the 'epiccastle.bbsh' pod. The problem is that the script does not terminate, it gets stuck at the end of the main thread process. I thought it might be due to the thread pool used by Clojure agents and added the call to '(shutdown-agents)'. However, the script still gets stuck.
My babashka version is 'v1.3.185'.
I have created a minimal version that reproduces the error:
(ns sample
(:require [babashka.pods :as pods]))
(def bbsh-pod (pods/load-pod 'epiccastle/bbssh "0.5.0"))
(require '[pod.epiccastle.bbssh.core :as ssh])
(require '[pod.epiccastle.bbssh.scp :as scp])
(def user "user")
(def cert "/home/user/.ssh/id_rsa")
;; Main process
(let [session (ssh/ssh "localhost" {:username user :identity cert})
opts {:session session}]
(scp/scp-from "/etc/hosts" "remote-hosts" opts)
(println "shutdown"))
The script actually downloads the file, but does not terminate. Am I forgetting something? Is it a problem in Babashka? Could the problem be coming from the pod?
Asciinema Cast: https://asciinema.org/a/Loa2w96lXCzPE6LHtz4N4KGsm
Note: for the asciicast I added a '(System/exit 1)' at the script end and it stills gets stuck.
Babashka also made possible 'lein2deps' and 'neil' two commands that help with the definition of a deps.edn.