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Legit: Magit-like package for Lem (
submitted 11 months ago by rglullis to c/lisp

Hello, what is the quintessential lisp experience?

Is it the interactivity that is enabled by Common Lisp? So if this is the case could you say a bit about how SLIME + Common Lisp work together to experience the beauty of lisp experience?

Moreover if macros are the killer feature of lisp because you can extend the language and make dsls wouldn’t racket offer a quintessential lisp experience?


As long as you don't test it you are in a quantum state, the same as for the Schrödinger's cat. Your code is either buggy or is not.

Hence, bugs are in fact triggered by users.

I tried to solve some of the last Advent of Code enigmas with LispE, and I discovered a plethora of problems, which I didn't think would erupt after so many years of tests.


I know of sly stickers, but that only works if I have sly (and hence also emacs). What if I dont have access to sly? I tried the step function in sbcl with debug set to 3 and it skips a lot of forms. Is there a lisp only package that would provide step by step evaluation like that of edebug?


Hey r/lisp, I'm a CS student who is really interested in common-lisp, up until now I've done a couple cool things with it and really love the REPL workflow, however, diving into the whole lisp rabbit hole I keep hearing about macros and how useful and powerful they are but I don't think I really get how different they may be from something like functions, what am I missing?

I've read a couple of articles about it but I don't feel like I see the usefulness of it, maybe someone can guide me in the right direction? I feel like I'm missing out


Scheme Request for Implementation 251,
"Mixing groups of definitions with expressions within bodies",
by Sergei Egorov,
is now available for discussion.

Its draft and an archive of the ongoing discussion are available at

You can join the discussion of the draft by filling out the subscription form on that page.

You can contribute a message to the discussion by sending it to

Here's the abstract:

Scheme has traditionally required procedure bodies and the bodies of derived constructs such as let to contain definitions followed by commands/expressions. This SRFI proposes to allow mixing commands and groups of definitions in such bodies, so that each command/expression is in the scope of all local definitions preceding it, but not in scope of the local definitions following it. This approach is backwards compatible with R7RS and upholds the intuitive rule that to find the definition of a lexical variable, one has to look up the source code tree.


SRFI Editor


Old school text generation

The method we will present here belongs to the old school, the one before chatGPT and other language models. But sometimes, if you don't have a dozen GPUs at hand and a good terabyte of hard disk, well, the normal configuration of a computer scientist today... Ah, this is not your case... I didn't know... Sorry...

So there are some traditional methods to achieve similar results. Well, it won't write your year-end report...

I want to show you how you can implement one with LispE. (Yeah... I know again)

The grammar

In the case of an old-fashioned generation, you need a generation grammar.

For those in the know, the parser that I will describe next is called a Chart Parser.

For example:

  S : NP VP
  DET : "the" "a" "this" "that
  NOUN : "cat" "dog" "bat" "man" "woman" "child" "puppy
  NLOC : "house" "barn" "flat" "city" "country
  VERB: "eats" "chases" "dicks" "sees"
  PREP: "of" "from" "in"
  ADJ: "big" "small" "blue" "red" "yellow" "petite"

There is also a grammar for French, but it is admittedly a bit complicated to read, especially because of the agreement rules.

Compile this thing

This grammar is rather simple to read. We start with a sentence node "S", which is composed of a nominal group and a verbal group. The rules that follow give the different forms that each of these groups can take. Thus a nominal group: NNP can be broken down into a determiner followed by an adjective and a noun.

The compilation of this grammar consists in creating a large dictionary indexed on the left parts of these rules:

   %ADJ:("big" "small" "blue" "red" "yellow" "petite")
   %DET:("the" "a" "this" "that")
   %NLOC:("house" "barn" "flat" "city" "country")
   %NOUN:("cat" "dog" "bat" "man" "woman" "child" "puppy")
   %PREP:("of" "from" "in")
   %VERB:("eats" "chases" "bites" "sees")
   NNP:(("DET" "NLOC") ("DET" "ADJ" "NLOC"))
      ("DET" "NOUN")
      ("DET" "NOUN" "PP")
      ("DET" "ADJ" "NOUN")
   PP:(("PREP" "NNP"))
   S:(("NP" "VP"))
   VP:(("VERB" "NP"))

Some lines are simple copy/paste of the rules above, except for the lexical rules which are preceded by a "%". The goal is to be able to differentiate between applying a rule and generating words.

Analyze and generate with the same grammar

This is certainly the nice thing about the approach we propose here.

We will use this grammar in both directions, which means that we can feed it a piece of sentence and let it finish.

For example, if we start with: a cat, it can then propose its own continuations.

Note that here, the continuations will draw random words from the word lists. This can result in completely ridiculous sentences... or not.

The first step

The user provides the beginning of a sentence, but also, and this is fundamental, the initial symbol corresponding to what (s)he wants to produce.

This symbol is an entry point in our grammar. We will choose: S.

In other words, we will ask the system to produce a sentence.

In the first step we have two lists in parallel:

   Words   Categories
("a "cat")  ("S")

The replacement

S is an entry point in the grammar whose value is: ("NP" "VP")

So we replace the structure above to reflect this possibility.

  Words     Categories
("a "cat") ("NP" "VP")

The head of the category list is now: NP.

Since there are several possible rules for NP, we'll just loop around to find the one that covers our list of words:

  Words        Categories
("a "cat") ("DET" "Noun" "VP")

Now our head is DET which points to a lexical item. We just have to check that "a" belongs to the list associated with "DET".

This is the case, we can then eliminate elements from both lists:

  Words  Categories
("cat") ("Noun" "VP")

We can do the same operation for "Noun", the word list is then empty.

Words Categories
()     ("VP")

We then switch to the generation mode.


VP returns a list with only one element: ("Verb" "NP")

     Categories             Words
  ("Verb" "NP")          ("a" "cat")

Note that "Generated" contains as initial value the words coming from our sentence.

Since Verb is a lexical item, we draw a word at random from our list of verbs:

     Categories             Words
      ("NP")         ("a "cat" "chases")

We then draw a rule at random from those associated with NP:

     Categories             Words
("Det" "Adj" "Noun")    ("a "cat" "chases")

The job is now very simple, just draw a determiner, an adjective and a noun at random from their respective list:

     Categories                Words
        ()         ("a "cat" "chases" "a" "big" "dog")

Since the list of categories is now empty we stop there and returns our sentence.

Implementation detail in LispE

If you take a quick look at the code of the parser, you will observe the presence of two functions: match and generate. These functions are based on the extensive use of defpat, the pattern programming functions in LispE.


match is used to check if the words in a sentence can be parsed by the grammar. The conditions for match to succeed are twofold:

  • Either the word list and the category list are empty
  • Either the word list is empty and the system continues in generation mode on the remaining categories

; We have used up all our words and categories
; No need to go further
(defpat match ([] [] consume) 
   (nconcn consume "$$") 

; We stop and generate, the word list is empty
(defpat match ( current_pos [] consume)   
   (generate current_pos consume)

; We check the rule associated to the leading category
; consp checks if an object is a list. If it is not the case, it is a lexical rule.
; If not, we loop over the possible rules. 
(defpat match ( [POS $ current_pos] [w $ sentence] consume)
   (setq rule (key grammar POS))
   (if (consp rule) ; if it is a group of rules, we loop to find the right one
      (loop r rule
         (setq poslst (match (nconcn r current_pos) (cons w sentence) consume)
         (if poslst
            (return poslst) ; we find one we stop
      (if (in (key grammar rule) w) ; otherwise it is a lexical rule and we check if the current word is part of it
         (match current_pos sentence (nconcn consume w))

Note that "$" is the tail separator operator. Hence "match((NP Verb NP))" will return "POS = NP" and "current_pos = (Verb NP)".


Generation is the final step. Thanks to pattern programming, this operation is reduced to two functions.

; Generating a word
; We are looking for a rule
; This one is either a normal rule (consp) or a lexical rule
(defpat generate([POS $ current_pos] tree)
   (setq r (key grammar POS))
   (if (consp r)
      ; here places the categories of a randomly drawn rule on top
      (generate (nconcn (random_choice 1 r 30) current_pos) tree) 
      ; here we add a word drawn at random
      (generate current_pos (nconc tree (random_choice 1 (key grammar r) 30)) 

; There are no more categories available, we place an end-of-sequence symbol to indicate that 
; all was generated
(defpat generate ([] tree) (nconc tree "%%") )


For those who have already had the opportunity to work with Prolog, this way of designing a program should seem very familiar. For others, this way of programming may seem rather confusing. The use of a pattern to distinguish different functions with the same name but different arguments is called "polymorphism". This kind of operation is also available in C++:

    Element* provideString(wstring& c);
    Element* provideString(string& c);
    Element* provideString(wchar_t c);
    Element* provideString(u_uchar c);

For example, these lines of code come from the interpreter LispE itself.

What distinguishes defpat here from the example above, however, is the richness and complexity of the patterns that can be dynamically used to parse a list of words and categories. Instead of a static compiled call, we have here a very flexible method that allows us to concentrate on the code specific to the detected pattern.

In particular, this method allows tree or graph traversal without the programmer ever getting lost in the tangle of special cases. If the list of elements evolves, it is often enough to add an additional function to take these new elements into account without redesigning the rest of the program.


I have seen that sb-ext:save-lisp-and-die is used to make executables from sourc code, but how do you make the executable for specific systems? e.g. Linux, Windows, Apple.

Froth (
submitted 1 year ago by to c/lisp

Hi, I’ve mostly done a new mal lisp implementation but, of course, it’s not quite ready for uploading yet…

I looked at the irc #mal channel but it seems to be pretty dead, as far as I can see.

Any idea what would be a good place to chat about implementation details with people who might be interested in that sort of thing?

Maybe even here? (I’m not a Reddit, IRC or even, tbh, Lisp expert).


I'm hoping to read some C code (XPM image files) using Common Lisp, and I am thinking that it would help to equip the Lisp parser to skip over C-style comments (primarily /* ... */ comments, maybe also //, not sure if that's necessary yet).

Can anyone say how to define a readtable which skips over C-style comments? A web search didn't bring up anything from what I can tell.

I only need to read the C code, so it's acceptable that skipping C-style comments makes it impossible to read some valid Common Lisp constructs.


Hi r/scheme, my little brother (11) is interested in programming. Since he doesn't know what he wants to make yet, I feel like scheme could be a good first language to learn the basics, paired with "The Little Schemer", a book I worked through when I was younger that I feel like he'd like and would teach him some solid CS foundations. Any input on this?


I would appreciate it if you could teach me about type inference in Lisp. Type Inference in Lisp. Weaknesses of Dynamically Typed… | by Kenichi Sasagawa | Oct, 2023 | Medium


Is anyone know where to start taking shortcuts


Someone asked me recently, what was the motivation behind LispE. Here is an example of the kind of functionalities that LispE proposes.

Adventures games were very popular at the beginning of the PC revolution back at the beginning of the 80s. Implementing a game is not very difficult in itself, but it is far from being a trivial task.

However, function programming concepts such as data types and pattern matching can prove incredibly handy to implement such a game.

For instance, you can transform each of your different actions into a Data Type:

(data Command   
   [Move atom_]
   [Break atom_ atom_]
   [Open atom_ atom_]
   [Kill atom_ atom_]
   [Pick atom_ atom_]
   [Take atom_]
   [Drop atom_]

(Note that [..] are equivalent to (..), we can freely choose one or the other for more code clarity)

A Data Type provides some very interesting way of controlling how your input is handled in your code. For instance, in each of these definitions, we define the number of arguments and their basic type. In this case, each should be an atom.

However, a data type should not be confused with a struct as in languages such as C++ or Java. It does not record any data structures in memory. Functional Programming tries to keep away from side-effect, while struct in imperative languages wouldn't care less.

If we take the following C struct:

struct {
   int i;
   char c;
} foo;

foo.i = 10;
foo.c = 'a';

Nothing prevents us from modifying the internal values of that struct, which of course might provoke some side-effect.

So what's the point?

These structures shine when used in collaboration with pattern functions.

(defpat action ( [Pick 'up x] ) ...)
(defpat action ( [Take x] ) ...)
(defpat action ( [Drop x] ... )
(defpat action ( [Move direction] ...)

The function action in this context is polymorphic and can be triggered with different data types.

(action [Move 'left])
(action [Pick 'up 'stone])

Each of these actions will then be matched against the corresponding function definitions above.

If you have a look on: minizork_en.lisp, you'll see that we take a string as input and then apply a few transformations:

(setq dialog "GET THE STONE")

; car and cdr have also been repurposed for strings
; GET THE STONE is transformed into: Get the stone

(setq dialog (+ (upper . car dialog) . lower . cdr dialog))

; We replace synonyms with their official value: Get --> Take
; We transform each of our strings into atoms. 
; Note that select returns the first non null value
; We remove stopwords (replaced with "~")
; We eventually obtain: (Take stone)

(setq commands 
  (filterlist '(neq '~) ; we remove stopwords
     (maplist ; we replace words with their synonyms or remove stopwords
         (λ(x) (atom . select (key filterwords x) x)) 
         (split dialog " "))))

Once this transformation has been completed, we can try our new command:

   (action command) ; (action [Take stone])
   (println "Wrong command")

Basically, if there is an error, we catch it and execute the last line.

The use of pattern functions with data types simplify quite a lot the whole code.


Hi. Need help with creating the 'for' macro. It must take a parameter, an initial value, an end value, and a loop step. Macro must return amount of iteration. Various operations should take place inside it. It should be designed without leaks.The preliminary version looks like this:

(defmacro for ((param-name start-value end-value &optional (step1 1)) &body body)
  (let* ((func-name (gensym))
(start (gensym))
(param-name (gensym))
(comparison (if (< step1 0) '< '>))
(end (gensym))
(step (gensym))
(k (gensym)))
'(labels ((,func-name (,param-name ,start ,end ,step ,k)
(let ((new-exprs (progn ,@body))
(newK (+ 1 ,k)))
(if (,comparison ,end ,param-name)
(,func-name (+ ,param-name ,step) ,start ,end ,step newK)
(,func-name ,param-name ,start-value ,end-value ,step1 0))))

I understand that it looks terrible. I don't understand how you can access the parameter without violating the rule about leaks.


I keep flipping between Clojure and CL. I like functional programming, so I really like the workflow of Clojure, but the more-interactive nature of CL is incredibly appealing and I like that it doesn't put so many constraints on you. I love how you can inspect everything and dig into the core of the language so easily and the interactive debugger is insanely cool.

But I just find it so painful to use, all the functions have strange names, docs are shaky especially for libraries, and I just keep bouncing off. I am going to try Advent of Code in CL this year, but I always get tied up in knots with the data manipulation, especially how you seemingly need to use the loop macro for basically everything since there aren't that many data structure manipulation methods in the standard library. Hashes are also pretty awkward to work with compared to Java Maps or clojure maps.

Also, I can't shake the feeling that doing all my data manipulation with linked lists is horribly slow, especially since they aren't lazily evaluated.

ASDF and the package system is like no other language I've ever used, which always ties me in knots, too.

Does anyone have any tips? Is there something I'm missing regarding data manipulation, or is it more a matter of breaking through the pain barrier with practice?


I'm learning common lisp and the subtleties of scoping really troubles me. For example, running this piece of ("double-let") code

(let ((x 10))
    (let((x 20))
      (lambda () x ))))

gives me 20 in Clisp and 10 in SBCL. I'm not even sure this is a dynamic/lexical scoping issue, because a typical example that demonstrates scoping would concern special variables defined with defvar/defparameter, like

(defvar *x* 10)
(defun foo ()
  (let ((*x* 20))
(defun bar ()
  (print *x*))

a dynamic-binding language is supposed to give 10, and lexical-binding one 20. (BTW I tested this with Clisp and SBCL, both gave me 10.)

So what is causing different behavior with the "double-let" example? Does SBCL not create an closure with the lambda function?

I would appreciate it if someone would explain, or point out references.


I have been wanting to program in lisp for a good while, but I do not enjoy using Emacs, and Slimv and Vlime haven't functioned. So, would having Vim in one terminal editing a file and then a REPL in another work?

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