Potential URL: green-game-dev
Name: Green Game Development
Why sustainable game development matters?
Video games are becoming more complex and resource-intensive with each passing year. As game developers work to create larger and more immersive game worlds, the environmental impact of their work increases. Energy consumption, carbon emissions, and electronic waste are just a few of many factors that must be considered when creating video games. By incorporating sustainable practices into game development, we can reduce the environmental impact of the industry while still creating engaging and innovative games.
What would be the purpose of this community?
To foster a community of game developers interested in reducing impact of developing games on the environment, creating products that adapt to consumer devices in order to reduce energy consumption (just one example of many) and learning how video games can be used as a tool to educate consumers, encourage activism and promote a more sustainable future everyone should strive for.
I tried that before and it did not work, however I guess its worth a shot again. Can I install it in live boot?