Time to grab sungloc.to instead?
A great trick for Garmin watches is that they make some high end models with sapphire glass. Get one of those used and you have top of the line stuff for a reasonable price, yet the glass never scratches so it will look like new...
Some quick feedback:
The two things that draw my attention are the person looking away and the black blob in the top right. The black blob mostly feels like a distraction. The person is not well lit and almost hard to see compared with the almost over exposed foreground. There's a lot of interesting stuff in the picture but kinda mixed messages for what to focus on with the parts in focus being so dim.
I would try cropping much tighter around the subject and see if you can find a stronger composition.
But Polestar has signed collective agreements in Sweden.
I'm using anytype.io, it's been pretty neat so far.
Unlikely as it opened in 2022...