No, Java has lots of merits. For example, once you know layout managers, you can have a resizable GUI app in no time. It's the exact opposite of arranging things pixel by pixel. You just define "I want a grid of these buttons south and a big text field in the center" and Java will do the rest. I whip up apps like this for the silliest things, like noting which dungeon has what rotating boss this week in a game, so it's more convinient than noting it in a text file.
I also don't understand why their algos cater nazi, racist and nationalist propaganda to young people. Being international corpos, they should be aware they are creating their own worst enemies. How will for example Chinese companies do business in EU, when they raised a xenophobic racist generation? Terrible plan.
There are gloves with things on them, so you can still operate touch screens.
Various sailing gloves come without the index finger and thumb covered.
I suggest "By Grabthar's Hammer!" 🤓
It's like raiaaain,
on your wedding day
and proper trashing is actually really helpful, so you can trash files on encrypted volumes without leaking them to a unencrypted trash dir.
trashing saves time and has a more continous workflow, as you don't have to confirm each file to prevent accidents, because you can restore if you deleted too much
I have used this for something else a few years ago: It let me select what user to run it as and prompted me for a password while configuring it and then later it didn't need a login any more.
Maybe it's a hint for OP to show up at the golf course, befriend the CEO and get golf-buddy promoted.
Let's assume a big stable wormhole and the gravitational forces of surrounding supporting objects are balanced perfectly, so a human can pass through in a small space capsule in the center.
In this scenario, you would just see the region of the other side twice and the space in between, a circle around the hole, stretched until you're going through. While going through, some objects on the outside would look stretched.
If it's not perfectly balanced, you won't survive going through without being squished or torn. If you come too close to avsurrounding supporting object, you'll get slingshotted away or will fall into them.
they have to watch HBO shows to compensate