Oh don’t worry, the FBI will just be ordered to stop investigating hate crimes. Problem solved!
Those concerns are for unrealistically high doses though. The last sentence of the abstract you linked:
In conclusion, based on the totality of currently available scientific evidence, the present review does not support the presumption that fluoride should be assessed as a human developmental neurotoxicant at the current exposure levels in Europe.
Calling concerns about the safety of fluoridated water “founded” is a bit of a stretch.
Thanks for the gift link!
Also good parents don’t let tweens have unsupervised access to a handgun…
“Yeah but the Bible was talking about Christians, not Haitians and Mexicans”
-evangelicals, probably
I’m pretty sure that time he altered a hurricane map with a sharpie was in the Oval Office.
It was intentional, the goal was to permanently separate children from their families to deter immigrants and asylum seekers.
This is a LONG article, but extremely detailed with tons of interviews and documents to back it up like emails and memos obtained via FOIA requests: https://www.theatlantic.com/magazine/archive/2022/09/trump-administration-family-separation-policy-immigration/670604/
It’s also paywalled, but once archive.org comes back online you can find it there. I highly recommend reading the whole thing.
The main takeaway is that the family separation policy was pushed by Trump and his administration incessantly. It took a while to really start because various government officials were reluctant to do it, and kept trying to placate the White House by slow walking the whole thing.
At one point, government lawyers who process asylum claims realized that the separated children were being shipped away from the local holding facility without any documentation, effectively “losing” them in the system. The lawyers figured this was just a terrible error and began processing asylum claims by the parents faster. If they could get it done within a week or so, the children would still be held in the nearby facility and could be reunited with their parents.
The white house was furious and directed the holding facility to start “relocating” the children faster, so that they’d be lost in the system before the parents could be processed.
The cruelty is the point.
Wow, me and this angry political weirdo has something in common. We're both not going to vote for Biden
Politics makes for strange bedfellows
It’s also an unnecessary use of the passive voice. Did the nativist attacks fall out of the sky and land on the rally? No, Trump made them himself.
That’s a shame. If I might ask, have you ever had a properly cooked pork chop?
I only ask because pork used to need to reach 165 degrees Fahrenheit to be safe, which makes for tough, dry pork. Fortunately the parasite that required this heat was eliminated from the US, and about 15 years ago the USDA lowered the safe temp to 145. The result is so much better.