
joined 1 year ago
[–] 2 points 57 minutes ago

More orange people.

[–] 29 points 5 hours ago* (last edited 4 hours ago)

There was a place by the beach called Helenback.

My siblings and I in the car: Where are we going?

Mum (shouting): Hell and back!

I was an adult before I realised it had another name.

Black Cops Won't Save Us (
submitted 22 hours ago* (last edited 22 hours ago) by to c/

Black Cops Won't Save Us

By F.D Signifier

Edited by ‪@NeedlessNick‬
Intro by ‪@OverthrowMedia‬

Special thanks to :

Skip Intro on Copaganda playlist - Copaganda

Olay on Eric Adams - Eric Adams: The Worst Mayor in America

Pevious video on the justice system - Why the Justice System is Broken

Other info on cop city - Help Stop Atlanta's "Cop City" Community Movement Builders -

00:00 The Boys in Blue
08:30 Black Cops
39:31 Dem Dirty Red Dogs
52:29 All Skin Folk Aint Kin Folk

[–] 1 points 1 day ago (1 children)

Don't be coy. You know very well I'm speaking about the US SWP. Here is a quote from an April 29 article in The Militant:

The greatest danger to Jews and all the oppressed in the region and worldwide is the call for a ceasefire before Hamas has been defeated and its leadership and command structures demolished.

I ask again, do you support an immediate ceasefire? If so how does that square with your ongoing support and promotion of an organisation, the US SWP, that is opposed to an immediate ceasefire?

The question is not whether you support 'peace in the Middle East' or whether an organisation whose articles you share and whose election campaign you promote supposedly supports 'peace in the Middle East' so please try answering the question posed above directly.


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Ten things workers need to know about the CFMEU - Overland literary journal


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Ten things workers need to know about the CFMEU - Overland literary journal

[–] 0 points 1 day ago (3 children)

How does this square with not just supporting but promoting an organisation that is opposed to that?

[–] 1 points 1 day ago (5 children)

Do you support the call for an immediate ceasefire in Gaza?

[–] 1 points 1 day ago (8 children)

You do realise you're promoting a Zionist outfit right?


So the title info is cribbed from the Wikipedia link which I looked into after noticing a few fledglings in a park being fed by half a dozen mature birds. Very communal creatures.

[–] 9 points 5 days ago* (last edited 5 days ago) (7 children)

I would try a few Plasma based tiling scripts before switching to anything like Sway or i3. You'll get a good idea of whether it's for you. Later on if you find you need more control over the tiling you could switch to a dedicated tiling window manager.

I'm using Karousel in Plasma which is scrollable tiling. You can install and enable it like so:

Go to System Settings > Apps & Windows > Window Management > KWin Scripts > select Get New... > In search enter Karousel and wait for it to show up > select Install > select the latest version (as of now karousel-0-9-4.tar.gz).

There is a companion desktop effect that also needs to be installed like so:

Go to System Settings > Apps & Windows > Window Management > Desktop Effects > select Get New... > enter Geometry Change in search > select Install > select the latest version (as of now kwin4-effect-geometry-change-1.3.tar.gz).

Karousel and Geometry Change have configuration options and Karousel also has keyboard shortcuts (view here) which you may need to update to your liking. I don't have a need to configure anything in Geometry Change as the default animation settings are fine. For Karousel I tend to adjust the various spacing and gaps options along with making sure the shortcuts I want are configured. That link above has a short video of what Karousel looks like in action.

[–] 6 points 1 week ago* (last edited 1 week ago)

I've recently retired an old aio to be our tv using libreelec. There's a new-ish bundled skin called copacetic which is highly configurable and I'm slowly organising the interface to move away from the conventional menu style interface that most other skins still use to something more like the interface of a steaming service. Copacetic has a video that demos some of what you can do.

You can get Gentoo up and running pretty quickly by following the handbook. From memory it's easy to miss one or two clear instructions because the styling of the handbook can add more eye-catching weight to the explanation than the actual commands. So be sure to re-read areas where things don't seem to working out.

Gentoo also has a binary repo if you don't plan to stray from whatever installation profile defaults you start off with.

I can't confirm a simple server install of Gentoo is somehow more lean than any other distribution.

I've used gentoo-install with success previously although I don't know how up to date it is.

In Voyager there is a setting to add instances you want to block.

[–] 5 points 2 weeks ago* (last edited 2 weeks ago) (4 children)

I can block instances on Voyager. I assume that only blocks them when I'm browsing on Voyager though and I have no idea how it handles votes/posts/comments for any blocked instance.

Best of luck with your endeavours to find a place you want to hang out in.


I read the question and discussion started by and it got me thinking about where Bruce Perens' Post-Open Licence project was at. I missed the news that a first draft has been published.

The announcement from Bruce includes the below summary:

At the link below is the first draft of the Post-Open License. This is not yet the product of a qualified attorney, and you shouldn’t apply it to your own work yet. There isn’t context for this license yet, so some things won’t make sense: for example the license is administered by an entity called the “POST-OPEN ADMINISTRATION” and I haven’t figured out how to structure that organization so that people can trust it. There are probably also terms I can’t get away with legally, this awaits work with a lawyer.

Because the license attempts to handle very many problems that have arisen with Open Source licensing, it’s big. It’s approaching the size of AGPL3, which I guess is a metric for a relatively modern license, since AGPL3 is now 17 years old.

Send comments privately to bruce at perens dot com.

License Text


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GPlates is desktop software for the interactive visualisation of plate tectonics.

GPlates offers a novel combination of interactive plate tectonic reconstructions, geographic information system (GIS) functionality and raster data visualisation. GPlates enables both the visualisation and the manipulation of plate tectonic reconstructions and associated data through geological time. GPlates runs on Windows, Linux and macOS. GPlates has an online user manual.

GPlates and pyGPlates are both free software (also known as open-source software), licensed for distribution under the GNU General Public License (GPL), version 2.

GPlately is a Python package which enables the reconstruction of data through deep geological time (points, lines, polygons, and rasters), the interrogation of plate kinematic information (plate velocities, rates of subduction and seafloor spreading), the rapid comparison between multiple plate motion models, and the plotting of reconstructed output data on maps.

GPlates is developed by an international team of scientists and professional software developers at: the EarthByte group in the school of Geosciences at the University of Sydney with past contributions from: the Division of Geological and Planetary Sciences (GPS) at Caltech the Centre for Earth Evolution and Dynamics (CEED) at the Department of Geosciences, University of Oslo, Norway the Geodynamics Team at the Geological Survey of Norway (NGU).


Earlier today, the UAW announced they had filed for a historic union election at Volkswagen’s plant in Chattanooga, Tennessee. The union announced that more than 70% of the plant had signed union cards, giving them a margin of support large enough that they felt confident enough to proceed with a union election.

Workers there say they are fed up with low pay, lack of paid time off, and unsafe working conditions.

submitted 6 months ago* (last edited 6 months ago) by to c/

By Howie Hawkins

There is a longstanding critique of Vulgar Marxism as a simplistic economic determinism that claims that the ideological and social superstructure of a society is determined by its economic infrastructure or mode of production.

Vulgar Marxists (notably Stalinists) have tended to support as societies as “socialist” simply because they had state ownership of the means of production, no matter how much that state exploited its workers and denied democratic rights to its people in violation of the socialist values of freedom, equality, and democracy.

Vulgar Marxism was not the approach of Marx who analyzed society as an interacting whole in which economic, social, and ideological conditions mutually affect each other.

We also need a critique of Vulgar Anti-Imperialism, which considers U.S.-led Western imperialism as the only imperialism in the world today, and which therefore supports any state in conflict with the United States as anti-imperialist and “objectively” progressive, no matter how oppressive that state may be toward its own people and imperialist toward other nations.


After a half-century of steadfast support, it has become virtually impossible for Washington to imagine a regional reality that does not have Israel at its core.

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