The majority of sexual abuse is by people known to the victim and much of it goes unreported.
The problem is that this solves nothing. Since COVID the US has been writing checks it cannot cash and the party will come to an end sooner or later. The longer we kick the can down the road the more painful it will be. Republicans won't increase taxes (even Biden didn't roll back Trump's tax cuts). And Democrats won't cut entitlement spending. So we are essentially screwed.
You can't control how or even if you will arrive at old age but you can swing the odds dramatically in your favor by the choices you make when you are younger. Eat healthily, avoid hard drugs and tobacco, drink alcohol only in moderation and get plenty of excercise that consists of four categories: resistance (aerobic), VO2 max (anaerobic), strength and stability.
GPS jamming is trivial. This is spoof which is a lot more complex and requires sophisticated kit. I imagine there is Russian involvement here.
Some mistakes can screw up the rest of day. Some mistakes can screw up the rest of your life. Try to avoid making the former, but avoid making the latter at all costs. Hard drugs, an extramarital affair, drinking and driving.Think the consequences through before you do these things.
Try unilem. They have a policy of not defederating from other servers and as long as it's legal it's good to go. In other words they treat you like an adult who can decide for yourself what you want to see and read online.
There is always an error. The important thing (apart from eliminating bias) is to know the magnitude. Radio chronological analysis is well understood and laboratories can reliably report the magnitude of the error (or more specifically the uncertainty) accompanying any determination of age. But news articles rarely publish it.
In this case the age is quoted as "at least 476,000 years" so we can infer a precision estimate of plus or minus 1,000 years.
In areas with lots of people it's also about efficiency. Single stall toilets don't work at a train station. A better option is to have two toilets .. one with urinal and one without. Use whichever one you want.
Gmail's UI is awful unless you are coming from the Outlook webmail client .. then it's freaking amazing.
After moving from the US to Europe there is something magical about walking around the city and town centers here. Not just the tourist traps like Rome and Paris but smaller towns and villages with tiny narrow streets lined with shops and restaurants and people walking around. So much better than the souless shells our downtowns have become in the US.
Great strawman but no, this is not free speech, this is illegal content and laws exist to prosecute those who disseminate it. Free speech allows you to offend others .. it doesn't give you a pass to break the law.