
joined 8 months ago
[–] 1 points 1 week ago* (last edited 1 week ago)

The real answer is resistance is a network, no one is a video game protagonist, its a little late to start networking but look for whats called direct action groups. Dont expect rambo shit, mostly you're going to be removing fascist stickers and posters and helping the local unhoused and at risk populations.

[–] 6 points 1 week ago (1 children)

The margins are far to large for third partly voters to spoil this, but you be mad at whatever helps you feel better.

It's worth mentioning the POTUS is SIGNIFICANTLY more stressful and consequential than even his current position. Quite literally, stress can age you faster, inuring physical changes in the body. In addition to that, I also have faith in the people and professionals he surrounds himself with to stand by him because they believe he can do it, not because they want to be the puppeteers of a powerful senator. May be wishful thinking in the end, but I think the general point it the situations are quite different.

No, you shold realize that in America one does not simply 'vote for a railroad' unless you have the money to contend with the auto industry. But we both know you understood this, so why feign ignorance to misrepresent it?

[–] 2 points 2 weeks ago (2 children)

Detroit in the 70s had more GDP than NYC and took that money right to congress. To this day giant automotive lobbies are the reason for not only legislation in the US but also city planning (or lack thereof) and the removal of public transport. To think getting a railroad is anywhere near as easy as a road is disregarding the influence of millions of dollars from people who would lose money if that rail was built.

The most visible nuclear scientists to the layman are probably Marie Curie(Woman) and then Oppenheimer(Jew) so of course Fucker thinks they're demons.

"Hi boss I can't come into work today because the guy I voted for lost and there no light rail"

This is why hes suddenly against it, theres no way Chinese EVs are coming stateside, and the US is even leveraging Mexico to keep them out of Mexico too. He doesn't want to make the smaller profit margin thing everyone wants, because the government is just going to ban what everyone wants instead.

I truly do not understand USA.

Just imagine three weapons manufactures hiding in a trench coat pretending to be a government, and you can work backwards from there.

Inflation is still happening just slower. So things are still getting more expensive and wages are not following. It's not rocket science unless the guy funding your research specifically asks you to never recommend any solutions that don't make rich people richer.

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