conservatives do not care about this. this is not what they care about. they don't care. it does not matter. liberals will never figure this out.
I don't think that would have the effect within the legal system that you think it might have
the thing that infuriates me is not so much that it will happen, but that people will not believe that it is happening or has happened
where do you go if you have no papers? a stateless purgatory camp?
ok good? thanks? question mark? sounds like he got it sorted out at some point? and he didn't get deported because donald trump wasn't the president? i like to talk like this?
why would he be considered illegal
conservatives like this they consider it good
this piece of shit is up to 11 now?
can we report this sort of thing here? downvoting has never worked.
from the description it sounds like public healthcare, rehab. yea, it sounds good