Because IT people are smart enough to ask for payment up front.
Bulk ordered from Ali Express
- Sell watches for 100K while your wife says everyone is poor
It's all in the emails Hillary sent from Hunter Biden's laptop!
Got it. Don't let humans outside.
A text editor...
1.2 Mb of uncommented code using single letters for variables written 30 years ago that somehow compiled into ASCII based vertical scrolling space shooter.
Yes, I'm embarrassed; No, you can't play it.
I still have the floppy disk, but I refuse to buy a drive to load the file onto my current computer because I would cringe so hard I would die. It was written in god-damned QuickBASIC...
House on haunted Hill & Cabin in the woods bouth seem kinda plausible
2020 proved that one entirely plausible
I once had a tractor-feed-paper-foldy-thing that was over 25 feet long, without stretching. There was some tape in there to combine pieces, but it was mostly just paper.
Kids in the 80's did weird shit with no Internet...
I don't know how many times while playing Dread I said to myself "wow, that XXXX in the background looks cool, wish I could go there..."
Mission failed right here:
But they'll continue singing forever, they just won't know what they're singing anymore.