It may not work directly, but there's always a way to misdirect it, like a vm!
rebuild stuff
I've remade a temperature converter cli 3 times in rust. Just to understand enums, structs and the borrow checker. Then I made an http server, that acted as a library's book borrowing system.
thank you very much.
By undefined I meant the usage of undefined in the language, however you phrased it way better :)
That's what I hate about javascript, it doesn't warm you about undefined behavior, it just throws.
I used to not really care about that, but after learning C and Rust, damm, I wish there where result types everywhere
I loved math, so a friend of my mother said I could make the computer do maths for me.
6 years later and I'm still amazed computers do what I tell them. And now that I work with this everyday, I'm even more amazed anything works at all.
it's just a way to use map with a reference instead of the value, by what I understood.
could be usefull for logging values in a Result so you can see it. However I think you can already do that by just mapping and returning the variable.