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[–] racemaniac@lemmy.dbzer0.com 27 points 2 days ago (2 children)

I love how you wrote all this, and are completely missing the mark. Nintendo is filing a lawsuit claiming that the palworld devs violated their patents, not their copyrights.

Anything palworld 'copied' from pokémon is either japanese lore, or from older games. This is not a copyright suit. If a copyright suit were possible, Nintendo would have brought it waaaay earlier. I'm wondering which patents Nintendo has that were supposedly violated.

I love how there's this entire discussion here about copyright etc... while that's not even what this is about.

[–] racemaniac@lemmy.dbzer0.com 1 points 5 days ago* (last edited 5 days ago)

By your definition no closed source company can act responsibly. If that is your definition, they indeed don't act responsibly, my point is that they appear to ship security updates for at least a decade after the device got released, which seems pretty decent. And they have a good record on quickly responding to any security issues and keeping everything up to date.

So they're doing pretty good. Would it be nice if they go open source? for sure, but for a closed source system, it's currently doing great.

[–] racemaniac@lemmy.dbzer0.com 2 points 5 days ago (3 children)

I think it's closed source indeed, but their support window is very long at the moment, so while you're right, at least until now they're actually acting responsibly.

[–] racemaniac@lemmy.dbzer0.com 11 points 1 week ago (1 children)

Are you on purpose missing the point?

The point the person you replied to made is that she didn't completely stop drinking alcohol once she was diagnosed to have a terminal liver disease due to alcohol use.

So first of all, she must have drank a lot more than 3 drinks a week to have terminal liver disease in her 30s that's due to alcohol (yes, all of that is in the article)

But the issue is she didn't stop drinking after being diagnosed, she reduced her consumption but didn't stop it.

If any of the above is incorrect, feel free to correct us, but making a point that's completely missing the facts that are being talked about here doesn't add anything to the discussion.

[–] racemaniac@lemmy.dbzer0.com 2 points 1 month ago (2 children)

I kind of hate this kind of narrative here.

Yeah, capitalism is shit etc... but let's get to the real root cause: we're all still animals, and want our pack to be the best. The root issue isn't money, it's power. Many societies wouldn't mind degrowth if it didn't mean all the others would bury them & dance on their grave.

If one single country would actually degrow, all the others would dominate it financially, loot it for all its worth, and unless it can completely 100% sustain itself without outside trade (pretty much impossible in our globalized society), it would mostly collapse. And even if it could sustain itself, the power imbalance would be so huge we'd run in all other kinds of issues soon (hey, why not just conquer that country that is pretty much powerless now?)

Imo we're all just animals knowing we're headed for extinction, but at the same time it's a big game of chicken on the road, the first to stray from this path will get fucked in so many ways by all the others who see their chance to improve their situation... And imo capitalism isn't the cause of that, but one of the results of this. It's just another way for us to compete and try to fuck eachother over like the animals we still are.

So either we get to some near global agreement on how to get out of this situation, or we just keep doing far too little since... what's the point of trying to improve things if it just means you get annihilated by those that don't, and things will remain the same despite your best efforts...

[–] racemaniac@lemmy.dbzer0.com 2 points 2 months ago

It was indeed a very short flash not long ago :).

And i'm not at al interested in those products either, but they were hard to miss when that flash happened >_<.

[–] racemaniac@lemmy.dbzer0.com 2 points 2 months ago (2 children)

He just means it's been all over the tech internet lately, and he has a point.

of course not everyone knows everything, but this and the humane AI pin have been featured everywhere as they're the first companies bringing llm focused AI products to market, and are generating a lot of hype, get a lot of critical articles, and a lot of youtube videos & investigations regarding them.

Not hearing about the Rabbit R1 when you followed tech news the past month was harder than playing whamagheddon during christmas time. So i get his surprise, and i don't think his reply was mean spirited, it was hard to avoid hearing about it.

[–] racemaniac@lemmy.dbzer0.com 3 points 3 months ago

Once it becomes too big the forum admin should realize it's time to make a subsection regarding that topic XD.

Forums for sure aren't perfect, but a 20 page forum thread that does a deep dive into a topic with a lot of good contributors beats anything i expect to find on discord or lemmy.

[–] racemaniac@lemmy.dbzer0.com 4 points 3 months ago

Don't agree with this, there's a huge difference between a forum and something like lemmy: how what you see is determined. On a forum as long as discussion is happening, a thread stays on top. On a more social media site like this, things only remain relevant a couple of days at most, while forum threads can go on for years. That makes sites like this more focused on short and shallow discussions, where forums imo allow for more in depth discussions.

[–] racemaniac@lemmy.dbzer0.com 3 points 3 months ago (1 children)

Without actual examples it's really hard to tell if the forum was just a toxic environment, or you were the newbie not reading the room. I've seen both happen.

[–] racemaniac@lemmy.dbzer0.com 4 points 3 months ago (1 children)

Isn't the main difference just that forums are focused on longer discussions, and reddit/lemmy are focused on a constant stream of content?

I'd prefer forums for a lot of my interests, a well managed forum will contain long in depth discussion regarding important topics that the likes of lemmy/reddit/discord either don't, or if they do, good luck finding it. If however you just want to visit it in the morning and see something different than you saw yesterday, yeah for just raw speed of content, forums suck.

But is that really better?

[–] racemaniac@lemmy.dbzer0.com 10 points 3 months ago (5 children)

I'm kind of wondering what forums you visited.

What however is a recurrent issue with young people on forums is them asking questions that have already been answered a million times. On sites like reddit & discord, that's the norm, we need new content all the time, the 526th person asking just keeps the social media going.

On forums however the etiquette is that you do some effort yourself, and something that gets asked that often is either a sticky, or a long running thread with all the information you could possibly want (but you'll need to invest some of your own time to get the information from there). And if you then arrive on the forum, read nothing, and ask the same question... again... yeah... you won't be welcomed with open arms.

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