It's a rural town, so maybe a lot of the kids live in the country and are on wells instead of the town's water tower?
The article says that the man is prohibited from owning firearms, so he probably has a felony or something. I'm not sure about California, but you wouldn't need any kind of special license to own all of those guns and ammo in a lot of states.
To be fair, I suspect the average adult in real life probably only remembers, and uses, 5th grade math.
Companies wonder why people use adblockers; this is my experience trying to read this article on mobile without an adblocker:
Picture of the outside of the building.
Three paragraphs, each composed of a single sentence.
Two paragraphs, each composed of a single sentence.
A teaser block trying to get me read another article on their site.
A stock photo of a public bathroom with mirrors.
A teaser trying to get me to follow them on Google News.
A single sentence with eight words.
Another sentence, which is a quote from a school admin.
Two paragraphs, each consisting of one sentence each.
Teaser block trying to get me to read more articles on their site.
A stock photo of some social media platform logos.
A trending block with links to more articles on their garbage site.
Two more paragraphs, each consisting of one sentence each.
A distracting carrousel of images that are links to more articles on their site.
Two more paragraphs, one of which actually has two sentences!
Links to their social media.
Is that the end of the article? I think so, but I've missed things before, so better keep scrolling a bit just in case.
Related articles section.
Ad that looks like a link to another article.
Ad that looks like a link to another article.
Ad that looks like a link to another article.
Link to another article.
Comments section.
Editors pick section of articles.
Okay, pretty sure I've read the entire article now, but let's keep scrolling to see how far this bullshit goes.
Ad that looks like a link to another article.
Ad that looks like a link to another article.
Link to another article.
And then the following pattern SIX times:
Link to another article.
Link to another article.
Link to another article.
Ad that looks like a link to another article.
FINALLY a whole bunch of links to other articles, some of which are promoted by Taboola, whatever the fuck that is.
And the entire time there was a red popup for "breaking news" taking up 1/5 of the screen.
For those keeping track at home, the article was a total of fourteen sentences, one photo of the school, and two stock photos. And no photo of a bathroom without mirrors.
And here I thought the insurance company was supposed to pay you and then go after who they think is responsible on their own time...
My belief is that the animus towards the Satanic Temple is a mostly projection at this point.
My belief is that it's pure ignorance. Do you think this guy actually looked beyond the name to learn a little more about the organization and still decided to bomb the place? No, any Christian that hates the Satanic Temple does so purely based on the name and their assumptions.
You know, I would like to believe that these people are going to learn their lesson while in jail, but for some reason I doubt it. I don't know, maybe it's the fact that after everything trumpty dumpty has said and done, including saying he's going to be a dictator, and half the country still wants to hand him the country on a silver platter (like everything else in his life)? I don't understand it.
Cheaper than a kid!
Typical lower decks job.
Depends on what you are using it for.
"The general fair use definition is that fair use is any use of a work that is not done in an effort to profit from the copyrighted work."
As usual, I voted for who I wanted in the primary and I'll vote for who I must in November and, as usual, they won't be the same person.