
joined 3 months ago

Linux was the NFT or Blockchain or AI of 1999, so every tech company was jumping on board.

The sales pitch, as I remember, was that you could run your Wordperfect or CorelDraw shit on it, and not need to have Windows to use it and instead could join the future, which was Linux. Though, amusingly, their version of the future was running Windows binaries via Wine on Linux which, eh, okay but...

Of course, nobody used Wordperfect or CorelDraw at that point in history so I'm not entirely sure how that was supposed to sell you on buying not-Word and not-Photoshop.

[–] 3 points 12 hours ago (1 children)

Didn't .net core depreciate the older .net framework stuff, and by extension Mono, and the target you should be looking at going forward is the new .net core stuff?

(I'm more a janitor than a mechanic, so my understanding of what framework is or isn't dead this week is probably lacking, but I recall seeing an awful lot of chatter going on about that.)

[–] 6 points 16 hours ago* (last edited 16 hours ago)

It reads like an advertisement for software-automated pentesting that just forgot to include a link to what they're selling.

I don't know if that's the intent, but...

Also, if you want free pentesting, you could always just "accidentally" include credentials to something you push to GitHub. It's free, AND done by a human!

Edit: LMAO, it is an ad. A "contributed piece from our partners" line down at the bottom.

Make sure you come back and update me when you try it, and then find out that the cables are all stapled to the studs.

That's always extra fun to discover once you start running cabling.

Though, if you have good coax everywhere, MOCA is a legitimate option you should be considering, as it'll do gigabit (more than, even) and the adapters aren't particularly expensive compared to dealing with having to pull cabling through everywhere.

It's such a reasonable a policy I'm finding it hard to believe, unless there's a clause that they get a kidney, or are allowed to show up and break your ankles, or are taking ownership of your first born child or something.

As someone who lived through that era, I can assure you that throughput is no deterrence to shitheads, morons, asshattery, and annoyance.

(Also, if you think Fediverse or even Reddit mods are bad, let me introduce you to the 1988 BBS Sysop.)

[–] 2 points 1 day ago* (last edited 1 day ago)

That's been my take on the whole 'use gopher/gemini!' bandwagon. Nice idea, but the solution to the problem leads to more problems that need solutions, and we've come up with solutions to those, but on other protocols.

And I mean, if I stab someone in the face with a screwdriver, the misuse of the screwdriver isn't in some way specific to the screwdriver and thus nobody should use screwdrivers.

Same thing with all the nonsense a modern website does: HTTP is fine, it's just being used by shitheads. You could make a prviacy-respecting website that's not tracking you or engaging in any sort of shifty bullshit, but someone at some point decided that was the only way to make money on the Internet, and here we are.

Yeah, now you get mean people, a drive-by malware installer, AI generated ads, and 4mb of JS that tries to scrape every detail about you so they can make a profile they can sell to (dis)information brokers.

Truly, an improvement.

(People have always sucked, the Internet just lets you interact with more people so....)

Their whole writeup is somewhwere between "trust me bro" and "enough holes you can legally sell it as swiss cheese".

I'm utterly confused as to who the target market for this is since their current userbase clearly does not care if shits encrypted or not, and any even remotely privacy oriented person is going to have the exact same take you did.

I guess along with all the google money, they also got Google's pathological need to cancel everything, too.

I've never liked web UIs that have that level of permissions to screw around with the OS it's hosted on.

Maybe that's just some grumpy greybeard thing, but I'd really rather not have a single management plane that has full access to EVERYTHING, since that just feels like you're one configuration oopsie away from some guy in Albania (<3 you, Albania) uploading all his hentai to your server and then trying to hack the FBI or some shit. (Or, you know, the much more boring oops-i'm-a-zombie-now outcome.)

Speed running Wii Sports?


(I have probably 50 copies because I kept ending up with more and more due to buying game lots at estate sales and garage sales and such.)


Basically, the court said that algorithmically selected content doesn't qualify for Section 230 protections, which could be a massive impact to every social media platform out there that has any sort of algorithm selecting content, which, well, is all of them.

Definitely something that's going to be interesting watching play out.


I have a question for the hive mind: what is the point of this, exactly?

I mean, I understand the attempt to gain access, and I understand why 2fa codes can be valuable to attempt to phish but that's like, not the thing here.

They just spam dozens to hundreds of these (I'm showing over 400 in my inbox right now) but like, even if I WANTED to give these codes to the attacker, I have no damn clue who the dude in China that's doing this is.

I'm confused as to what they hope to gain by trying over and over and over every couple of hours because it feels like there's no upside to whomever is running this bot, but I probably have missed a memo on some TTP around this, heh.


So I've got a home server that's having issues with services flapping and I'm trying to figure out what toolchain would be actually useful for telling me why it's happening, and not just when it happened.

Using UptimeKuma, and it's happy enough to tell me that it couldn't connect or a 503 happened or whatever, but that's kinda useless because the service is essentially immediately working by the time I get the notice.

What tooling would be a little more detailed in to the why, so I can determine the fault and fix it?

I'm not sure if it's the ISP, something in my networking configuration, something on the home server, a bad cable, or whatever because I see nothing in logs related to the application or the underlying host that would indicate anything even happened.

It's also not EVERY service on the server at once, but rather just one or two while the other pile doesn't alert.

In sort: it's annoying and I'm not really making headway for something that can do a better job at root-cause-ing what's going on.


Just got an email thanking me for being a 5-node/free user, but Portainer isn't free and I need to stop being a cheap-ass and pay them because blah blah economic times enshittification blah blah blah.

I've moved off them a while ago, but figured I'd see if they emailed EVERYONE about this?

A good time to ditch them if you haven't, I suppose.


I'm wanting to add a bunch of energy monitoring stuff so I can both track costs, and maybe implement automation to turn stuff on and off based on power costs and timing.

I'm using some TPlink based plugs right now which are like, fine, but I'm wanting to add something like 6 to 10 more monitoring devices/relays.

Anyone have experience with a bunch of shelly devices and if there's any weird behavior I should be aware of?

Assume I have good enough wifi to handle adding another 10 devices to it, but beyond that any gotchas?

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