
joined 9 months ago

Hello everyone!

I have been working on since 2021. I began working on it as a senior in high school, and now with the near dawn of 2024 on our horizon, I'm looking for ways to market it towards the hands of young people.

Quizzy is a flashcard creation app that combines cooperative education with the best studying techniques, and gives detailed analytics on your studying.

I've been coding for most of my life, but with marketing, I'm not very good.

I've tried instagram helpful studying posts, tiktoks on helpful studying, and even showcasing the app itself. It seems that they just like the post and scroll onward, instead of giving it a try.

Currently, I'm making blog posts on it and learning about SEO to give it a shot.

If you can try it out and reply with things you like about the site and maybe some areas of improvement, and how it can be marketed, that would be great. I really appreciate your help.

Would you use the site yourself? Does it have a good appeal to it? Does it work?

If you can help, that would be great. Thanks so much.

[–] 1 points 9 months ago

I agree! It's the most annoying thing, especially when it's just a ChatGPT wrapper that they made in a few hours. I'm personally glad that OpenAI kills all those with updates.

[–] 1 points 9 months ago

I would take the time to learn coding and specifically, artificial intelligence. I would use the 10K to invest in making the site and training an AI. Since that's where the world is heading right now, it makes most sense to me.