I disagree with "that is how it will be used" because that is not the only way people use it. Self-moderation is more of a pro than agree/disagree is a con.
Maybe by you but I just want to use illustrator lol
I'm going to jump in and say that the real question isn't "is the disagree button bad" the real question is, "is the disagree button worse than not having it"?
I don't use downvote to disagree. I know some people do. But on Lemmy I've seen so many times awful comments with positive up notes bc no one is downvoting and hiding them
I don't know what I'd do without coffee
I'll take up smoking and then give that up!
Boots and tools
Gen z bullies themselves to only use iPhone, or so I've heard. Comply or be left out of every group chat
If you have windows in a VM do you need a license key
Adobe products barely work correctly on Windows, I wouldn't want to try to run them in an environment that was even less supported
Not really. If illustrator breaks on Windows at the most I'll have to power cycle the PC. I've never heard of it taking Windows down with it.
To even get it functional on wine I'd have to invest untold hours of research and tomfoolery, and then any time it didn't work I'd not know if it was adobe's fault or wine's.
I wouldn't mind doing this kind of thing for a hobby, but not for production software unfortunately.