
joined 1 year ago

Just some quick features!

When creating a post there's now a button to suggest a title based on the URL you entered. Just enter a URL then click "Suggest Title"

suggest title button

Then if you want to use that title hit the button!

title suggestion

You can create a post without first visiting the community by clicking the new "+" button in the header. The menu looks a little bit empty right now, but I'll add more stuff here later.

create menu


  • Added the ability to edit/delete/report private messages
  • Links to external sites in markdown now open in a new tab
  • If you have the "Keep navigation sidebar open" setting enabled, it will now open by default
[–] 3 points 1 year ago

I generally prefer things to be on Github. I don't get notifications when people make new posts on here so I just have to check it regularly, but if you make an issue on Github I get an email about it, and it's easier to track.

If you have a bunch of ideas, it'd be nice if you separated them out into separate Github issues, so I can close the ones I've finished if I decide to take on the work!

Thanks for asking!

[–] 3 points 1 year ago

Oooh that's an interesting idea. Maybe in the future!


Alexandrite now has cross-posting! You can cross post from the '...' menu on posts:

crosspost menu

You then pick a community from your subscriptions, or search for any other community, or directly enter the full name like if you want a very specific one and don't want to bother with searching.

community selector

And links to cross-posts will now show when viewing a posts:

Alexandrite now matches Lemmy-UI handling taglines. If an instance has any taglines set it will now pick a random one instead of showing all of them.


Lastly if you have NSFW thumbnail handling set to "Hide" or "Blur", it will now hide/blur thumbnails when a post is in a NSFW community, even if the post itself isn't marked NSFW, as the post is probably actually NSFW anyway and it's better to be safe than sorry.

Github release notes

[–] 4 points 1 year ago

Thanks! I'm glad everyone's liking it! Pretty exciting actually having an audience for one of my side projects for once.


cross-posted from:

You're now able to theme Alexandrite a lot more, I'm excited to see what color schemes you all can come up with! - ! - Github

There's now a light mode! Alexandrite will now detect your system's default color scheme and use that, but you can force dark or light mode in the settings. This is the default hue/saturation on light mode:

light mode

You can also change the saturation to make it as gray or as colorful as you want, plus you can customize the hues of links and up/downvote buttons (downvotes in screenshots just for demonstration!)

Here are the settings for themes now. There are numbers next to all the sliders to make it easier to share customizations! I might add a few presets in the future.

Posts look a little nicer. The content on them shows using similar styles to the previews on the cards. The "View Source" button is now a small button in the top right corner of the post.

Some 0.7.0 features I didn't mention here before:

There's an option when using the "List" post layout that shows a preview of the post content like the card layout does.

Oh speaking of version numbers Alexandrite now releases with version numbers! You can find the version number in use on the "About Alexandrite" page. You can read more on the version number announcement.

[–] 2 points 1 year ago

Just updated with a few fixes I found, probably going to release this soon!


EDIT: This is now released, see the 0.8.0 release announcement

Please let me know if you have any feedback or find bugs! Note, if you are just seeing a bunch of exclamation marks instead of images and are viewing on, that's a bug I just noticed, click the "Original Post" button on the post to view on I'll fix that bug tonight.

I've been working on a light mode, and I added hue customization for links and votes, plus you can customize the base theme saturation. Light/dark mode will be chosen based on your device's preferred setting, but you can set one specifically on the settings page.

Here's the default colors for light mode (up/down votes for illustrative purposes lol):

If you don't want it to be so colorful, lower the saturation:

Or if you prefer a more 'plain' dark mode:

Here's all the settings:

Another screenshot for good measure:


[–] 2 points 1 year ago (1 children)

I'm not familiar with Librewolf, but are there any extra settings you can change to allow localStorage? I think browsers usually categorize it similarly with cookies so I'd imagine your cookie settings should already cover it, but just in case.

Alexandrite stores all its data in localStorage. For Alexandrite-specific features that Lemmy doesn't officially support itself (like favoriting communities), there's really no other place for it to store your settings.


tl;dr: Alexandrite now has version numbers, new official docker images are built only when publishing a new release instead of with every change to the main branch, currently 0.7.0 is the only/newest version (if you're using latest that's fine, it'll keep pointing to the newest version too). Now you'll find a version number at the bottom of the "About Alexandrite" page. continues to run the latest code from the main branch.

For the technically inclined who want more background: the official site,, has always been built off the main branch with auto-deploys. I can find a bug and within 5 minutes can be updated with my fix. It's really convenient because if I deploy something then realize I missed an edge case I can just fix it quick and probably not very many people were ever impacted.

When I first added self-hosting support I just made it publish images based on changes to main, and planned to add proper version numbers soon after (which I've now done). Now knowing people are self hosting using my docker images, and since I don't control how quickly fixes are deployed or when they update, I've needed to be extra cautious to make sure everything works perfectly the first time (or as close as I can manage by myself). I just want to avoid a scenario where I release a big update at 6:00PM, notice a bug and fix it by 6:05PM, but someone's self-hosted instance updates daily at 6:03PM and now that instance has to live with that bug for the next day.

That's why I made this change. The main site can be the "bleeding edge" and then the official docker image releases might be slightly behind and hopefully be slightly more stable.

Besides that, I've been thinking about creating somewhere to chat and share news/ideas of Alexandrite updates besides just this community. Thinking about making either a Discord server or a room on Matrix. Thoughts?

[–] 2 points 1 year ago (1 children)

That'd be fine, but I'd prefer a Github issue if you can! Makes it easier to track things is all, but no big deal.

[–] 2 points 1 year ago (3 children)

Yep I'm working towards mobile support! I still intend to be desktop-first, but I need to support mobile for a few reasons:

  • If it's desktop-only you can't really easily share links to posts on Alexandrite to friends, because if I don't support mobile any mobile users following the link are going to have a bad time.
  • Some people mentioned being interested in replacing lemmy-ui on their instance with Alexandrite, in order for that to be feasible it needs to support mobile.
  • I generally optimize things to look good on maximized browser windows on desktop, but some people use monitors in portrait mode, or with a tiling window manager. Working on optimizing for mobile means I'm checking basically every window size in between to make sure it always looks good, which would help those other desktop users too.

That's why I'm working on it.

By the way I also added some hotkeys yesterday, and there's a new setting to show post details in the "List" post layout similar to the Card layout. Haven't made announcements for them yet.

[–] 3 points 1 year ago (1 children)

I just added some hotkeys, you can find them on the new help page. I plan on adding another hotkey for going to the next/prev post when viewing a post. Any other ones you'd want in particular?


EDIT: This is now released.

Hey! I'm almost done with a new feature and was looking for some feedback. I'm adding alternate post layouts for when viewing posts in a feed. There's a new setting for it:

(List is the default, the only style until now)

Card layout shows the post's image at full height, and the first few lines of the embedded description/post content (got some of the ideas from Sync).

Compact Layout uses smaller thumbnails and fonts to fit a bit more on screen.

With this I'm also working towards mobile support. You'll find things generally work a bit better now with this.

Anyways, let me know how things go, if you find any bugs, or if you have any other feedback.

[–] 2 points 1 year ago (1 children)

I plan on adding cross posts, just haven't quite gotten there yet!


Hey all, wanted to let you know about the stuff I've added in the last few days.

You can now configure your languages in the "Lemmy" tab in settings! Along with this Alexandrite now respects your instance/community's configured discussion languages, as well as your language settings. If you ever saw a language_not_allowed error when trying to post or comment, this should fix it!

You can now create an account from within Alexandrite! From the login page just enter an instance and you'll see a new button to create an account

And the account creation should have all the same things you're used to seeing. Now if you're introducing someone to Lemmy and send them a link to Alexandrite you won't need to include a "well if you want to make an account go here first, then go back to this site" caveat.

Moderators! There are a couple changes for you too. First off when banning a user you can now do temporary bans, and can remove the user's content just like in the official UI.

When viewing comments under a post, or when viewing posts on a community you will now see a badge next to comments/posts made by moderators. Note: the moderator list needs to be loaded separately for each community, which is why you won't see the badges if you're viewing from the home/search pages (it's one server request to load a list of posts, if each list of post subsequently had to make 50 individual requests for communities that'd be pretty taxing on the servers so until you view a post from that community you won't see "Mod" there).

A few bugs that were fixed:

  • If you ctrl+click (or cmd+click on Mac) to open a post in a new tab, it will now do that instead of opening it in the overlay/column
  • If a thread is locked you won't be able to comment in the thread.
  • Admins now can feature posts in Local
  • Instances that have disabled downvoting (like Beehaw) won't show the downvote button
  • If you're using Chrome, the "Reply" tooltip doesn't get stuck open anymore.

EDIT: this has been released! Next I'm working on adding versions to the images published.

Self hosting support finally!

I have a branch up with self hosting instructions, a Dockerfile, and images published to Github's container registry. If anyone wanted to help test it out it's available on this branch (and the PR).

There are a few configuration options you can change as you wish to disable some of the login page links, change the default instance, and optionally only allow logins to a specific instance.

The published image is just slightly out of date since I changed the publish rules, but at the moment it's only missing some extra validation to check if an instance url is valid.

Let me know if you run into any issues or have anything you think I should change or better explain.


cross-posted from: - ! - Github

Some big updates just arrived!

First, the instance you're on is now in the page URL, which means now you can send links to posts on Alexandrite to friends without them having to set an instance first (or know anything about Lemmy).

That helps to power the next feature which is an account switcher. This lets you switch between all of your accounts on the instance you're browsing! You can also set a default account to use for that instance. Now you could be logged in on multiple accounts across multiple instances just in different browser tabs if you wanted.

Because the instance is now in the URL, if your main account is on but you have an account on and a friend sends you a link to a post on Alexandrite you'll be signed in as your user in that browser tab.

Two clicks to switch which instance you're using (based on what accounts you have)

If you have accounts on more than one instance you can pick which instance you see by default when you go to with no instance in the url, or chose to login on any of the accounts you've signed in as previously from the login page. (And in case anyone was curious, no it does not store passwords).

Another new feature I recently added is a little hint for what a comment is a reply to once you finish reading a deeper thread, easier to understand with a screenshot:

You can also favorite communities to make them show up on the top in the left hand sidebar.

Next I planned on working on stuff for self hosting, so stay tuned.


I just realized I never mentioned in yesterday's announcement that I improved the way searching in comments works earlier this week and thought I should mention it.

tl;dr: There's a search bar next to the comment sort options, typing in there will highlight all the comments that contain your search text, and a second floating nav bar shows up which lets you click next/previous buttons to scroll between search matches.

If you're curious: some technical background. Comments (and basically any other list in Alexandrite) are rendered using a "virtual list" or "virtualized rendering", this is pretty complicated but really common optimization used on sites/apps that let you scroll infinitely as it lets you show a huge list of stuff without the site getting really laggy. It does this by only actually rendering as many comments (or posts etc) as can fit on screen, and skipping the rest, adjusting what's shown to wherever you scroll. So if you're on a post with 1000 comments and you've scrolled down quite a ways, instead of all 1000 comments being on the page maybe only comments 220-230 are there. To an end user you should usually never notice this, but if you scroll really fast, or hit the "scroll to top" button you might sometimes notice the page is blank before a post or comment pops in to fill the empty space a moment later.

The only issue with that, is if not all of the comments are actually on the page you can't really Ctrl+f to search for something in comments, as only a few of the comments are on the page at once. So I needed an in-site way to search through comments, which is where this came in!


EDIT: This is now released on the main site, enjoy!

Original post:

I've got some big stuff I'm planning on releasing either later tonight or tomorrow, and I wanted some testers if anyone's willing! ~~The link is at the end of the post.~~

The instance you're browsing is now in the page url, so if you're logged in on, you'll be (once released) on Now you can share links directly to Alexandrite to friends and they can view it without needing to set a home instance anymore.

But the real cool feature is a new account switcher! This lets you switch between all of your accounts on the instance you're browsing! You can also set a default account to use for that instance. Now you could be logged in on multiple accounts across multiple instances just in different browser tabs if you wanted.

Two clicks to switch which instance you're using (based on what accounts you have)

If you have accounts on more than one instance you can pick which instance you see by default when you go to with no instance in the url, or chose to login on any of the accounts you've signed in as.

You'll need to login again because it's a new url, but I wrote some code to migrate to the new way I'm handling accounts so you won't be logged out when this is all released.

Please let me know if you find any bugs!


I just added a new feature I think is neat. When one part of a comment thread ends and the next comment is a reply to an earlier comment now there is an up arrow icon you can hover over to see a bit of the parent comment. Now it should be much easier to understand what people are talking about without having to collapse all the comments along the way.

Little easier to understand with a picture:

[–] 5 points 1 year ago

(I'm the dev of Alexandrite) Officially there isn't yet a way to self-host it without modifying the code (unless you host it on one of a few specific cloud providers like the official Alexandrite site does), but now that people are self hosting anyway I think adding support for it is going to be higher up on my priority list!

[–] 1 points 1 year ago

I never had considered before a few days ago that someone would host Alexandrite alongside their instance so it never occurred to me that someone might first interact with Lemmy through Alexandrite. I will definitely add registration!

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