That’s weird destiny 2 has never given me issue, though I don’t play super frequently so maybe I’m just lucky
Which games do that? Running pasthrough gpu on windows for destiny and halo at least gave me 0 issues for years
This seems like a good community for it, as the other commenter said your boot drive is likely dead.
This might be a change due to that new Microsoft recall program
What is with these people and needing to find secret “tells” to show the world their plan? It’s like staring at a Bond villain in real life…
It does kind of explain how qanon took hold though.
Those pills are used to help with miscarriages and to stop hemorrhaging, any bets on how much higher Louisiana’s maternal mortality rate is gonna go?
at the same time Fox has devoted less attention to the trial itself, it has extended near-blanket coverage to the alternative proceedings taking place in the same location — Trump’s open soliloquies to the press from the courthouse lobby where he lashes enemies inside and out of the courtroom.
Can’t say I’m surprised by this, anything different would just siphon their case viewers elsewhere.
I’d agree, that’s fantastic to hear!
Do they have a price announced yet? I love the idea, just unsure how well they can compete with others on price
Pretty sure it’s to add emphasis. Without it they’d also probably be too bored to finish reading/writing their sentences.
The implied subtext there would pretty clearly be that too many approvals would also cost them their job.
You’re thinking of the max 9, not 8