"That's what he gets for removing the recipe for Acapulco Gold from the replicator!"
"You have much pain... share it with me."
"I teleported home one night, With Ron and Sid and Meg. Ron stole Meggie's heart away, And I got Sidney's leg." - The Teleportation Blues
"It's the little room in the front of the plane where the pilots sit, but that's not important right now."
Hold my 401k, I'm goin' in!
"Replicator, give me a slice of mushroom pizza."
"Hot or cold."
"Space-warping travel mushrooms or the ones that grow on old logs."
"Uh, the log ones I guess."
"You want me to play a robot? But I want to show off my acting range!"
"Don't worry, you'll also get to play two other robots and a couple of old guys!"
"Aaass yoooou--" *squish*
*dabs corners of mouth with a cloth napkin*
*erupt like Vesuvius*