As an avid hiker from Connecticut I am against this
It's essentially a single player shooter game from the perspective of the player character
Know what else is great for that? RSS feeds.
That said, anyone who says that to a woman deserves to have their balls kicked it, regardless of the legality.
Who benefits from the woman doing time for assault? Not her, that's for sure.
It actually inspired me to start writing my own competing period tracking app, Margaret Plug That Up Already You're Ruining The Carpet
Drip is a horrible name for a period tracking app lol
Then in the 2000s people rose up against the canceling of Firefly and demanded a movie as compensation
Horse is the male, cow is the female. Just like dogs and cats.
If you don't understand that I don't have the time to try explaining it to you.
Liberals' smarmy self righteous condescending attitudes is another reason she lost
Congress sets the budget
And the president has veto power over it
I don't think the army operates a lot of mines