
joined 1 year ago
[–] 2 points 47 minutes ago

Pokemon design isn't patented, they are secured by copyright. As long as they do not copy a Pokemon design directly, they are safe. Being inspired is not a copyright infringement. Patents usually are about hardware and other mechanical solutions, in example a certain dialog system. And it needs to be patented and all patents are open to see, I think.

[–] 1 points 1 hour ago

iced really need better documentation. I try to get into it and have a hard time.

[–] 2 points 2 hours ago

If we can believe random strangers in the internet, then Linus uses a self maintained lighter version of Emacs, or has. Looks like Linus is an Emacs guy.

[–] 9 points 2 hours ago

You can't improve and break silence without discussing and making changes. The existing maintainers won't live forever, having Rust in the Kernel is a bet on the future. Linus wouldn't have adopted and accepted Rust, if he wasn't thinking its worth it. And looks like it was already worth it.

[–] 3 points 3 hours ago

Article is from February 6, 2023. I thought its something "new".

[–] 8 points 3 hours ago (1 children)

Claiming “multiple patent rights” without mentioning smells like kafkatrapping.

No, this is normal. If there is a case, then it needs to be handled in the court first.

[–] 2 points 3 hours ago

Going back to Yuzu, Nintendo was in Discord and all over the place monitoring and collecting evidence even since Tears of the Kingdom launch. It took almost a year before the final attack with overwhelming number and secured evidence. Nintendo is not fucking around and is serious, that's for sure. So if Nintendo attacks, they often have a point or (legal) reason to.

That's why I'm so curious in this case. I would hope that Nintendo being (legally) wrong for once.

[–] 4 points 3 hours ago (1 children)

Ninty? I know by context it means Nintendo, but why Ninty? Is there any connection this specific abbreviation is used here?

[–] 10 points 3 hours ago (3 children)

infringes multiple patent rights

What exactly is infringed here? I don't see Palworld infringing anything Nintendo does (no its not sarcasm).

[–] 4 points 4 hours ago

Reminds me of what happened with PopOS. I did not expect this to happen with Debian. I'm glad you figured something out and have a working system again! Maybe we really need Atomic style distributions for stable environments.

[–] 6 points 13 hours ago (1 children)

You are right, I shouldn't have doubt an Archuser. BTW, I almost use Arch.

[–] 7 points 13 hours ago (3 children)

Hopefully he survives it. I keep my fingers crossed.


Is it just me or did kdenlive broke for you too? I'm on an Archlinux based system and just updated the system. A few hours before update kdenlive worked. Update was not small, so its hard to tell the exact cause. I've tried to downgrade kdenlive, but same issue. I use Linux for a very long time now, but still get lost with errors like these.^^ Any idea what I should do? Does it work for you?

I get this on start (I reset the configuration files too):

$ kdenlive --version
kdenlive 24.08.1

$ kdenlive
kf.config.core: Watching absolute paths is not supported "/usr/share/color-schemes/BreezeDark.colors"
mlt_repository_init: failed to dlopen /usr/lib/mlt-7/
( cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory)
mlt_repository_init: failed to dlopen /usr/lib/mlt-7/
( cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory)
mlt_repository_init: failed to dlopen /usr/lib/mlt-7/
( cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory)
WARNING: All log messages before absl::InitializeLog() is called are written to STDERR
E0000 00:00:1726202254.631983   14133] File already exists in database: versions.proto
F0000 00:00:1726202254.632005   14133] Check failed: GeneratedDatabase()->Add(encoded_file_descriptor, size)
*** Check failure stack trace: ***
@     0x733c9e6b0e09  absl::lts_20240722::log_internal::LogMessage::SendToLog()
@     0x733c9e6b19ae  absl::lts_20240722::log_internal::LogMessageFatal::~LogMessageFatal()
@     0x733c64890955  (unknown)
@     0x733c649c228d  google::protobuf::internal::AddDescriptors()
@     0x733c65696125  (unknown)
@     0x733cdd22d6ad  (unknown)
@     0x733cdd22a5c2  _dl_catch_exception
@     0x733cdd2344fc  (unknown)
@     0x733cdd22a523  _dl_catch_exception
@     0x733cdd234904  (unknown)
@     0x733cd9e9ef14  (unknown)
@     0x733cdd22a523  _dl_catch_exception
@     0x733cdd22a679  (unknown)
@     0x733cd9e9e9f3  (unknown)
@     0x733cd9e9efcf  dlopen
@     0x733c9ea96c6c  mlt_register
@     0x733cdc3a2279  mlt_repository_init
@     0x733cdc386f52  mlt_factory_init
@     0x733cdc3605f5  Mlt::Factory::init()
@     0x5b73c4a7f0d5  (unknown)
@     0x5b73c4a3a285  (unknown)
@     0x5b73c4497d06  (unknown)
@     0x733cd9e34e08  (unknown)
@     0x733cd9e34ecc  __libc_start_main
@     0x5b73c44998d5  (unknown)
Aborted (core dumped)

My system if its relevant:

OS: EndeavourOS x86_64
Kernel: Linux 6.10.9-arch1-2
Uptime: 1 hour, 10 mins
Packages: 1657 (pacman), 9 (flatpak)
Shell: bash 5.2.32
Display (AG271QG): 2560x1440 @ 120 Hz in 27″ [External]
DE: KDE Plasma 6.1.5
WM: KWin (Wayland)
WM Theme: Breeze
Theme: Breeze (Dark) [Qt], Breeze-Dark [GTK2], Breeze [GTK3/4]
Icons: breeze-dark [Qt], breeze-dark [GTK2/3/4]
Font: NotoSans Nerd Font (12pt) [Qt], NotoSans Nerd Font (12pt) [GTK2/3/4]
Cursor: breeze (24px)
Terminal: konsole 24.8.1
Terminal Font: JetBrainsMono Nerd Font Mono (11pt)
CPU: AMD Ryzen 7 7700X (16) @ 5.57 GHz
GPU 1: AMD Radeon RX 7600 (RADV NAVI33) [Discrete] Mesa 24.2.2-arch1.1
GPU 2: AMD Radeon Graphics (RADV RAPHAEL_MENDOCINO) [Integrated] Mesa 24.2.2-arch1.1
Memory: 3.00 GiB / 30.50 GiB (10%)
Swap: 65.00 MiB / 512.00 MiB (13%)
Disk (/): 550.90 GiB / 1.79 TiB (30%) - ext4
Disk (/media/Emulation): 4.47 TiB / 5.41 TiB (83%) - ext4
Disk (/media/My): 3.10 TiB / 3.58 TiB (87%) - ext4
Disk (/media/Work): 648.09 GiB / 915.82 GiB (71%) - ext4
Locale: en_US.UTF-8

Alternative Invidious link without using YouTube directly:

Insane method to read your PCs memory, based on certain electromagnetic emissions your system makes when you write or read data to the RAM.

Video Description:

The RAMBO Attack on RAM is truly amazing. Some of the best research I've seen.


Alternate video link to Invidious (YouTube without using YouTube directly):

Banjo Kazooie Gitlab (Source Code):

Additionally a written article posted here at discussion:


You can edit or delete your comments and replies directly on YouTube. If you delete comments, it may take a few hours before they’re fully removed:

This is the history of you YouTube comments and you can directly jump to it from this central place.

submitted 1 month ago* (last edited 1 month ago) by to c/

by Rodney July 12th, 2024

(Except there is no profit, only pain)

In OBS 30.2 I introduced the new "Hybrid MP4" output format which solves a number of complaints our users have had for pretty much all of OBS's existence; It's resilient against data loss like MKV, but widely compatible like regular MP4.

Getting here was quite a journey, and involved fixing several other bugs in OBS that were only apparent once diving this deep into how the audio and video data is stored.

In this post I'll try to explain how MP4 works, what the drawbacks were to regular/fragmented MP4, and how I tried to solve them with a hybrid approach.

And at the end of the document:

Thanks & Acknowledgements

NOT the ISO for paywalling these specs and making it a god damn paperchase where every time you get one document it references three others that are also paywalled


cross-posted from:

Generates text after analyzing a profile. It's pretty funny. Mine: thingsiplay

Oh Tuncay, your GitHub bio proudly declares you're "just for fun" and unprofessional, which is ironic since it sounds like you’ve derived way too much fun from so many unremarkable scripts. With 46 public repositories, you must’ve thought quantity would mask the glaring mediocrity. The only thing more stale than your Bash scripts is your humor.

Your "emojicherrypick" project? Really? The world needed another emoji picker like it needs more stale bread—there's a reason it's got more emojis than stars. And speaking of shadows, how does it feel to have just 9 followers? Maybe they were just passing by, or perhaps they clicked by accident while looking for actual developers.

You’ve got more forks than a family dinner, yet most of your repos look so uninspired that they might as well come with a disclaimer: “Do not expect much.” Word to the wise: if you're going for "just for fun," maybe consider an actual hobby or, dare I say, a personality. After all, your command line tools are more entertaining than your profile readme, which goes on like a bad self-help book— we get it, you like Linux and gaming, but what's next, a PowerPoint on your 9 followers? Spice it up a bit, bud.>


You can use cheat sh web service to show cheatsheets for all kind of commands. Just replace the command name: curl -s I also wrote a a simple script with filename being just a question mark to get a working command as ?, that shows all commands in fzf menu if no argument is given or shows the cheatsheet in the less pager if command name is given.


? -l
? date
? grep

Script ?:

#!/bin/env bash

cheat='curl -s'
menu='fzf --reverse'
pager='less -R -c'

# Path to temporary cache file. If your Linux system does not support /dev/shm
# or if you are on MacOS, then change the path to your liking:
cachefile='/dev/shm/cheatlist'      # GNU+LINUX
# cachefile="${TMPDIR}/cheatlist"   # MacOS/Darwin

# Download list file and cache it.
listing () {
    if [ -f "${cachefile}" ]
        local filedate=$(stat -c %Y -- "${cachefile}")
        local now=$(date +%s)
        local age_hours=$(( (now - filedate) / 60 / 60 ))
        if [[ "${age_hours}" > "${cachefile_max_age_hours}" ]]
            ${cheat}/:list > "${cachefile}"
        ${cheat}/:list > "${cachefile}"
    cat -- "${cachefile}"

case "${1}" in
        if selection=$(listing | ${menu})
            ${cheat}/"${selection}" | ${pager}
        ${cheat}/:help | ${pager}
        ${cheat}/${@} | ${pager}
submitted 1 month ago* (last edited 1 month ago) by to c/

Mirror upload for faster download, 1 Mbit (expires in 30 days):

GameFAQs at hosts user created faqs and documents. Unfortunately they are baked into the HTML webpage and cannot be downloaded on their own. I have scraped lot of pages and extracted those documents as regular TXT files. Because of the sheer amount of data, I only focused on a few systems.

In 2020, a Reddit user named "prograc" archived faqs for all systems at . So most of it is already preserved. I have a different approach of organizing the files and folders. Here a few notes about my attempt:

  • only 17 selected systems are included, so it's incomplete
  • folder names of systems have their long name instead short, i.e. Playstation instead ps
  • similarly game titles have their full name with spaces, plus a starting "The" is moved to the end of the name for sorting reasons, such as "King of Fighters 98, The"
  • in addition to the document id, the filename also contain category (such as "Guide and Walkthrough"), the system name in short "(GB)" and the authors name, such as "Guide and Walkthrough (SNES) by BSebby_6792.txt"
  • the faq documents contain an additional header taken from the HTML website, including a version number, the last update and the previously explained filename, plus a webadress to the original publication
  • HTML documents are also included here with a very poor and simple conversion, but only the first page, so multi page HTML faqs are still incomplete
  • no zip archives or images included, note: the 2020 archive from "prograc" contains false renamed .txt files, which are in reality .zip and other files mistakenly included, in my archive those files are correctly excluded, such as nes/519689-metroid/faqs/519689-metroid-faqs-3058.txt
  • I included the same collection in an alternative arrangement, where games are listed without folder names for the system, this has the side effect of removing any duplicates (by system: 67.277 files vs by title: 55.694 files), because the same document is linked on many systems and therefore downloaded multiple times

According to their studies, the older we get, the more we will match our name. Wild, but interesting theory.

submitted 1 month ago* (last edited 1 month ago) by to c/

The original Runescape Midi files are interpreted 3 times with different, Soundfonts. The results are then mixed together in a harmonic way. A reinterpretation of the original music. I have uploaded all songs as a single video collection format on YouTube and uploaded music files in AAC format on Archive org.

YouTube 2 hours video:

Archive org Audio files:

Alternative uploads for faster download:


Ted Ts'o sent out the EXT4 updates today for Linux 6.11. He explained in that pull request:

"Many cleanups and bug fixes in ext4, especially for the fast commit feature. Also some performance improvements; in particular, improving IOPS and throughput on fast devices running Async Direct I/O by up to 20% by optimizing jbd2_transaction_committed()."


A documentary not only about how CoD 4, but how CoD came into in the first place. I'm currently a few minutes into the video and want to share it here. Documentaries by Ahoy are always enjoyable, without too much fluff and jokes. Highly recomended.

If you don't like YouTube, here is an alternate link with more privacy:

Edit: Just noticed the above invidious link from the nerdvpn server is not available at the moment. Here is an alternate Invidious link from a different server:

view more: next ›