
joined 11 months ago
[–] 1 points 9 months ago

Dude i played hockey growing up. Tbat was a joke. Is Rudy injured for that "fight"?

again, not saying that i wish he was. Just saying its a joke. U can put me in a chokehokd for 20 seconds...ill be fine. Its a matter of perspective....that was nothing

[–] 1 points 9 months ago

Honestly, as much as everyone wants to trash everything he says and does at this point, isnt this him finally showing the restraint yall have been asking for? He thought before speaking and realized he wouldn't be able to give an honest answer without getting himself in more trouble. I respect it tbh lol

[–] 1 points 9 months ago (1 children)

Basketball is my favorite to sport to watch and has always been one of my favorite to play. But i grew up playing hockey more than anything else, so hopefully that explains the anger in the comments I'm about to make... I'm sure this opinion will be unpopular regardless:

Every top rated comment here is something along the lines of "he should be suspended more so he learns a lesson" or "he should be suspended more cuz of these comments" or "nothing will work besides a lifetime ban but the league would never do that".... Additionally, in other posts about him, ppl have made comments about "He's putting players in the danger, the league needs to stand up and actually do something!!!"

Look, Dray is an asshole. He's pissed me off repeatedly along with the rest of you. But acting like he is a danger to other players and that he should be suspended for 10+ games cuz he put something in a chokehold is crazy. NAME A SINGLE PLAYER WHO WAS ACTUALLY INJURED BY A MALICIOUS IN-GAME ATTACK FROM DRAYMOND GREEN!! Go ahead, I'll wait.

He's an ass and he's violent and he wont learn his lesson. That doesn't mean he needs to be kicked out of the league. How fucking soft has everyone gotten? Also this herd mentality shit where it seems like everyone either decides they like or dont likes players at the same fucking time on this subreddit is beginning to really annoy me. I feel like there used to be discourse, a mix of opinions, acceptance of nuance, etc. Can we not agree he has some redeeming qualities? We used to love him on this sub and nbadiscussion for his hustle, tenacity, winning plays that dont show on the stat sheet, etc. I agree he has started to become more of a burden than a benefit to the Warriors but is there no nuance left in the world? Jeez man.

He got a pretty fair punishment.

[–] 1 points 9 months ago (2 children)

"Getting run up on" / "confrontation" in the nba is hilarious. 1/10000 times is it anything more than two guys running up to each other, getting in each other's faces, not throwing amy shoves or punches and waiting for teammates to separate them AND THEN acting like they're being "held back" and tryna fight thru their teammates to get bacn to the if they would actually do something of their teammates let them go.

Not saying its a bad thing tbey dont fight like in hockey - its just funny how much of a song and dance it is / how predictable it is lol

[–] 1 points 9 months ago

Can anyone else actually make out anything he's saying?

[–] 1 points 9 months ago (1 children)

Yeh agreed. Im the exact opposite. Favorite player on the thunder and tben broke basketball for 3 years cuz hes a lil bitch who joined the 73-9 warriors after not being able to beat them. And he DIDNT embrace the villain role. He constantly played the victim card and tried improving the publics image of him with burner accounts on Twitter. Like, the exact opposite of embracing the villain role lol