I've been checking this site on and off from Europe for about a month. Can someone who knows more than me explain the expected timeline for what remains?
I feel like it jumped up into the mid 30%s after only a month or so and then stagnated for weeks.
Now it seems to have jumped again. But I guess I’m wondering at what sort of percentage does everything go to shit (not that it isn't already!). Are there points where there is a no turning back or civil war becomes inevitable, etc.? Or does it hit a certain percentage where it will jump to 100% overnight due to certain protections being removed.
I guess I’m struggling to wrap my head around what I’m seeing, what it looks like between 40% and 100% and how quickly this might happen?
Even a guide somewhere on the net that breaks it down would be great.
This is interesting as I've not even heard of Floorp and alternatives have been such a hot topic the last month between manifest v3 and firefoxes updated terms fiasco.
Can I ask, what for you had you opt for floorp vs the more commonly mentioned alternatives like Librewolf, Waterfox, etc.?