Yeah. I have no evidence that this system invented those shortcuts, they may predate it by quite a bit
When we allow aparthied states to comnit genocidal acts without protest, we signal that other countries should not interfere should our own state turn to aparthied and genocide.
Its either ok for no one or its ok for everyone
Clicked expecting Noodle. It was Noodle.
In the Speedwriting shorthand system, developed in 1924 for use with typewriter, / Is used to denote omitted sylables, so 'with' becomes w/ and 'without' becomes w/o. Here is a pretty deep guide on the precepts of Speedwriting:
Yes, it is still a quartz watch. The oscillator is still a quartz oscillator. However the mechanism which advances the second hand is replaced with onethat does not need to tick.
The kind of quartz watch is no longer a ticking quartz watch, it is a non-ticking quartz watch.
As for the specific wording of the article, I would assume the authoris not fully versed in partsof quartz watches, and does not know that the oscillator which keeps time is different from the stepping motor which moves the hands.
This invention targets only replacing the stepping motor, not the oscillator.
Having to work with this guy makes you legitemately oppressed
Thats exactly the proposition. Eliminate tifking quartz watches in favor of non-ticking quartz watches.
Say goodbye to the quartz watches that do tick replace them with ones that do not tick
French innovator aims to consign ticking quartz watches to history
The 'ticking' is what is being consigned to history. The article is about an alternative to 'ticking quartz watches', a non-ticking quartz watch
Its the 'ticking' part of ticking quartz
The entire exeption, and the broader exclusionary rule, is based around the self-evidently incorrect assumption that what happens in court will effect behaviour of investigators.
I generally use 'USican', pronounced yoo-ess-ican. Every seemseto understand me.
Edit: this may be the most controversial thing i've said on lemmy.