The Dual Dynamic Drivers on the Blessing 3 are incredibly capable. Such a shame that they're not being put to good use, since the IEMs can actually handle a monstrous amount of additional sub bass, without any perceivable distortion (around an additional 6db of sub bass). Just fiddling around with wavelet, I was actually surprised the IEM could handle the default "bass boost" preset without any limiter. That's a bass shelf of around +6db on the sub bass, and absolutely no changes elsewhere. Why are they designing the drivers this way when they're not gunning for bassheads ? With this tuning, the Blessing 3 can outperform many of the bass focused IEMs in delivering clean and impactful bass, and yet the default tuning is the most conservative I have ever seen for a product of this class. All that additional bass is handled so beautifully on the Blessing 3 that it sounds like a completely different IEM. It is clean, rumbly, and doesn't cause excessive bloat on the other frequencies.
Side note: for some reason, only using the IEMs wired and in legacy mode on wavelet produces distortion free sound. Enhanced session detection/running over bluetooth LDAC destroys bass completely.
Loved the technical abilities of the Blessing 3s, too bad the nozzle was too much for me. By the way the Softears Ultra Clear tips, though they made my ears hurt like crazy (I have small ear canals so it was mostly just the nozzle width causing it), they sounded really great on the B3s. I wish the B3s were ergonomically right for me because they are a great pair of IEMs.
I also use UC tips on my b3s, and I'm very grateful I'm able that my canals are large enough for me to comfortably enjoy them for pretty extended use
Do the anandas have more detail than b3?
I have the same problem but for me it starts after about 45 minutes of contineuous listening. Using the smallest size of included tips.
Oof I imagine iem selection must be pretty limited for your ears, Blessing 2 was hard to fit sometimes but Blessing 3 fit for me is effortless, I think they cut the diameter down by around 1mm or something which I definitely notice