Maybe not quite what you're meaning, but in New Zealand there's a lot of data on addresses, roads, and buildings available publicly. This data has been used to add the addresses, roads, and buildings nationwide, to create a pretty complete set of data for navigation purposes.
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That's what I mean! In the US the postal address of places are public data from what I understand, but I haven't seen a lot of those addresses in Organic Maps. Same with registered businesses. Do you know who in your area takes that data and uploads it openstreet maps?
It looks like there is some information on the project here.
Hopefully something there helps you contact someone?
The government of St Lucia organized a mapathon few years ago to map the island.
In the EU and UK, public bodies contribute to mapping data by publishing large amounts of geospatial data using interoperable standards that can be commercially exploited.
This is set in the EU through the INSPIRE Directive, and while the UK is now off doing their own thing, they still use the same standards.