You can likely change the dial string to prepend a 1 before sending the invite to the carrier. For example on a Cisco SPA device you can use <:1>xxxxxxxxxx to prepend a 1 to a 10-digit number. It looks like the GS equivalent is <=1>xxxxxxxxxx
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In Voip.MS, you can just do 10 digit dialing by choosing "NANPA" as the choice for "Dialing Mode" in the Account Settings -> General tab
Not going to lie, I don't know shit about grandstream ata's, but is there not a way to prepend 1 to all calls? or 1 to any 10 digit call?
Also weird that callcentric doesn't parse the call without the end user needing to dial 1. My company (5 different platforms atm) does it with out needing the 1, only exception is toll free dialing, the 1 is still required.