in the old days, this was clear for the customers... and most got a set of prints included in the shoot, with the option to buy more or where at least told beforehand how it worked.
depending on how many groups you have each group gets a letter, shape or colour and they have to make 5 pics featuring that thing...
that way you'll get the colours, shapes or letters you can use for a combining event
the rules (composition, exposure, ,..) can be broken so they don't matter...
the rules are know effects of choices, they work because we humans and our brain works like this... and untill that changes, they work.
it needs understanding of these effects and those rules to break them and get a better result, that, or sheer luck.
your lightmeter will want to turn the ice into grey (18%)
use exp comp to compensate for that if you're going to be shooting A or S mode.... don't use full auto, your camera does not now ice is whit and it thinks it's grass so it'll try to make it darker
you set yourself up for failure...
shooting small kids and having a christmass tree in reaching distance is just asking for the kid to want to play with the shiny things
shooting small kids without at least an assistant (childwrangler is what they are called) is asking for problems...
you can handle the kid, or you can be the photographer, not both
so you did a job without first informing them of the cost...? well that wasn't right, on both ends. but it does put you in a really hard bargening position