this post was submitted on 13 Nov 2023
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So I'm pretty new to the industry and I got comfortable enough to offer Holiday Minis in my area. I did two dates, each mini was $100 (Extremely reasonable given that other photographers in my area were offering the same thing for $250+ but I kept my price low because I'm not as experienced and have never offered mini sessions) and I only got 3 bookings total.

Anyway, first shoot was amazing! The kid was a little tough but parents were SUPER involved in getting him to laugh, they were shocked I got photos of them with their kid at all as the goal of the shoot was just to get updated holiday photos of the kid for family. Second shoot doesn't go as well, the kid is about 2 and the parents do not care at all what he does. He un-decorates my tree which I tried to just work with and take pics as though he was decorating it, ultimately the pics weren't great but he wasn't having it and the parents didn't seem to care or want to control their child.

This brings me to my worst client and the one that has me questioning what to do. Family of 4, mom is ready, dad clearly doesn't want to be there, 3 month old and 2 year old. I took a total of 340 pictures, I extended my 15 minute window in a desperate attempt to get one good photo. By photo 45 the 2 year old had knocked over my entire Christmas tree TWICE and I removed it from the shoot. The mom and I were doing everything we could think of to get this kid involved in the shoot. I sang songs, I encouraged her to show me the plastic ornaments, to show them to her parents, to find the pinecones I hid in one of the gift bags, I tried to just take photos of her wandering, I tried to tell her to tickle her mom, kiss baby sister, give dad a big hug, etc. She wasn't fucking having it and the dad was ZERO help. Just sat there looking miserable the whole time. Of the 340 original images, I have 2 good ones. The rest are blurry, look SUPER disorganized, only have one person looking, or just overall look bad.

WHAT do I do? Do I offer a refund? Do I offer a reshoot? I didn't make hardly any money off these shoots as it is, and I truly don't want to work with these people again. But I also feel REALLY bad for the mom because it seemed like she desperately wanted a good photo of her family! What on earth do I do?

top 47 comments
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[–] 1 points 1 year ago (1 children)

I used to work in Child Care Photography - we’d go to the Kinder and only have 10 minutes with each child to get 10 “poses” or more plus “family photos” in that same 10 mins.

When a child didn’t participate I’d take 2-3 photos to prove (1) I tried (2) they were not having it. Kids that young you can’t force.

I’d just give them the 2 photos and offer a refund and say can try next year

[–] 1 points 1 year ago (1 children)

I currently photograph daycares. 10 minutes a kid? You were living the dream.

My schools are 50-100 kids and I'm out the door by the time they're putting lunch on the table. If I get one minute with a kid, I'm lucky.

[–] 1 points 1 year ago

Small Aussie kinders with 20-30 kids per room and do aged babies to 5 and each room gets 1 day for photos but also have to be gone before nap time at 12:30pm start at 9am so it’s very hard

[–] 1 points 1 year ago

From my personal experience all the successful and efficient family photo sessions that involve toddlers, were never conducted by a photographer alone. There were always an assistant of some sorts who actively get the kids’ attention, cause them to smile or laugh, and potentially stop your Christmas tree being knocked down.

[–] 1 points 1 year ago

Yeah no for a hundred bucks you’ve put in way more effort than expected. The second time the tree landed on the floor, I would’ve said that time was up and this isn’t going to work. Why refund? Did they bring it up? They know your time isn’t free. Charge and send the best photos and get on with life.

[–] 1 points 1 year ago

Can you collage the ones where only one person is looking?

On red carpets it's quite common for groups to be looking at a different photographer each, so my usual approach is to shoot like an American and then merge in the heads to get a final image that looks good with everyone looking in the same direction.

[–] 1 points 1 year ago

Sometimes a refund is the cheapest option

[–] 1 points 1 year ago (1 children)
  1. Deliver the two good ones right now, so she feels good.

  2. After a few days, deliver all rest of the ones that are actually sharp.

That way she knows it was her kid/her parenting that was the problem. She knows it's not you.

[–] 1 points 1 year ago

I mean there’s no excuse for 345 photos in 15 mins and some are blurry. At least part of that is on photographer.

Like the above comment said, how fast is the baby moving that you couldn’t set up your settings appropriately?

[–] 1 points 1 year ago (4 children)

Honestly, I think some tough love might be appropriate here.

Of the 340 original images, I have 2 good ones. The rest are blurry, look SUPER disorganized, only have one person looking, or just overall look bad.

Young kids aren't always gonna cooperate. But a few things stand out here:

  • You're charging for this service. Parents are going to expect that you have some level of expertise in trying to get them to cooperate. Yes, you can't always get kids to behave, but you know who else you can't always get to cooperate? The parents. There's a reason the parents might not seem super interested or involved: They're expecting you to handle it, since they're paying you. You need to work on setting expectations with the clients first, understanding whose role is what, and laying out what you need from them and what you are able to do. One out of three shoots going well is not a good percentage for a professional.
  • The results. I've seen plenty of photos where the kids aren't looking, but the photo is still great. I've shot an event for children, I know it's tough. But you've got to be a little better prepared. The other issue here might be time - you had a 15-minute window? That's... wrong. More time than that is needed to get a good photo session. I'd recommend you never try to book something for only 15 minutes of shooting.
  • Blurry shots. That one's kind of on you; you should be managing your exposure settings to avoid that. A three month old isn't exactly Usain Bolt. I don't know if you were using flash or not (and while critical for regular portraits, I could see toning it down for infants and young kids). But you need to manage your technique and set up a more controlled situation if that's coming up.

WHAT do I do? Do I offer a refund? Do I offer a reshoot? I didn't make hardly any money off these shoots as it is, and I truly don't want to work with these people again.

You're a professional. Did you deliver what was promised? If you don't feel like your photos were what was promised, you haven't delivered your end of the contract. (Also, have a contract.) Keep in mind that even a full refund wouldn't be great - those people took time out of their day to do this, maybe bought new clothes for their kid. Their reviews could sink your reputation before you even really start.

If I felt like I didn't deliver what was expected, I'd offer them a choice of reshoot or refund, along with any of the shots you had for no cost. I'd consider partial refund and reshoot. That's what I'd expect if I paid someone for a service and they didn't deliver on it.

Finally, I don't know your level of experience. However, it's very common for people to jump into trying to make money from photography before they really are qualified for it. I don't personally think there's integrity in taking peoples' money as your training opportunity rather than when you're actually ready. But if you're having issues with technique and cannot reliably deliver the results that people want, maybe you should reassess whether you're in a fair position to solicit clients.

[–] 1 points 1 year ago (1 children)

it's very common for people to jump into trying to make money from photography before they really are qualified for it. I don't personally think there's integrity in taking peoples' money as your training opportunity rather than when you're actually ready.

I would tend to agree with this. The issue is that I also see a lot of criticism of new photographers when they work for free or very little - it seems like a big no-no in the eyes of many professional photographers. Which makes it feel like a lose-lose for new photographers, where they’ll be criticized no matter what they do.

[–] 1 points 1 year ago

On one hand, yes, it’s a difficult balance. There are absolutely situations where doing work for free is a bad idea, and there are situations where charging for work is a bad idea.

On the other hand, new photographers should be criticized, as long as it’s done constructively (i.e. with reasoning and possible solutions). You’re going to do things wrong, no matter if you’re brand new or extremely experienced.

[–] 1 points 1 year ago

Finally, I don't know your level of experience. However, it's very common for people to jump into trying to make money from photography before they really are qualified for it. I don't personally think there's integrity in taking peoples' money as your training opportunity rather than when you're actually ready. But if you're having issues with technique and cannot reliably deliver the results that people want, maybe you should reassess whether you're in a fair position to solicit clients.

I would add to this that if one has no expertise in a field, rather than charge a third of the price accounting for it, which won't make you rich, will not make the customer happy with quality and will damage the market, it's better to serve as an assistant for a professional and when the expertise is acquired start asking for a price on par with the market

[–] 1 points 1 year ago

Lots of good pints here and a very generous amount of time was put into this reply. Well done.

[–] 1 points 1 year ago

The other issue here might be time - you had a 15-minute window? That's... wrong.

Agreed, and I'd like to add that 15-minute shoots are not where you start, they're where you end. They are what you offer when you are absolutely confident in your abilities and you know you can get the shots you've promised and the client expects. It's easy to think "they can't expect the world, it's only 15 minutes" - but they do. They expect that you know your skill level well enough that when you say you can do it in 15 minutes, you can do it in 15 minutes. And expecting the photographer to know how much time they need to do the job is entirely reasonable.

I'm doing a studio shoot in February, promo/PR pictures for a band. I've been shooting professionally for 13 years, but it's all been journalism/event/concert stuff. I know how to navigate unruly crowds, get in-the-moment shots, tell visual stories, go with the flow, make my way through a sea of people to get where the action is. I look at what's happening before me and find the best way to get the shots I need without impacting the scene at all. Studio is the complete opposite - I'm going to be lighting and posing the band, and I'm going to be able to impact what's in the frame down to the smallest detail. Those are things I am very inexperienced in. So I'm going to rent a studio for at least five hours, possibly even eight, and make a whole day out of it so that I'm sure that when we go home, we're all satisfied with what we've done.

(The band members are friends of mine, so that opens up some possibilities that I wouldn't have with someone I don't know. But that's how you practice this stuff - you shoot in situations and with people you're comfortable with until you know you could do a job of the same quality in half the time or less with people who won't give you leeway because they know you.)

The TL:DR is - don't do 15 minute shoots if you're not certain you can do the shoot in 15 minutes.

[–] 1 points 1 year ago

Because holidays means vacation where I am from I was so confused about what jobs of sessions these were until the penny dropped.

[–] 1 points 1 year ago

you set yourself up for failure...

shooting small kids and having a christmass tree in reaching distance is just asking for the kid to want to play with the shiny things

shooting small kids without at least an assistant (childwrangler is what they are called) is asking for problems...

you can handle the kid, or you can be the photographer, not both

[–] 1 points 1 year ago

Good kindy and 1st grade teachers are amazing at controlling kids. Know anyone in that line of work? Have them join you next time and learn.

[–] 1 points 1 year ago (1 children)

What aperture and exposure were causing the blurry images? Honestly I'm not a pro photographer, I'm just very curious and the info may help others help you out, especially if you plan a re-shoot. Hope you work it out and the clients are reasonable.

It truly was me quite a lot of the time. I wasn’t fast enough. This shoot was outdoors, and I shoot in manual mode (looking back I should have done some in automatic just to TRY to save my ass) my lense is manual focus so I the whole time the two year old is zooming around, I’m DESPERATELY trying to refocus. I learned a ton from this shoot, including that I will never be doing a propped shoot again

[–] 1 points 1 year ago

Refund and take it as a lesson you had to pay to learn.

The price you charge/market will always reflect the clients you end up getting.

Best example of this is FB market place, when ever i put stuff up for free the amount of rude, entitled messages you get, but just put a small nominal price on it, yes i get less traction but the transaction usually goes smoothly.

So never under value yourself, experience isn't always the factor for pricing. (especially in artistic endeavours) if they like your work/style they should be willing to pay, and getting crappy clients will only ever lead to more crappy clients.

[–] 1 points 1 year ago

Perhaps you’re being too hard on yourself and too self-critical. Maybe have someone else (not the client) look at the photos and pick out some shots. They might see something you’re not, as they were not part of the shoot. I would hand over some of the better shots first before even considering a refund. Leave that for them to bring up if they feel necessary. They may actually not think the photos are that bad.

I say give them what you think is best and if they’re unhappy, give them all the unedited pics.

We hired a photographer for family pics while on vacation. Our son through a tantrum throughout the whole hour we booked her for. Our photographer was great and we didn’t expect the pictures to turn out well, but we got a few nice ones. It was actually a little funny going through the pics because in some you could see how worn down we were trying to wrangle in a 2 year old, lol. Also, my theory is you just need 1 pic you’re happy with to hang up on the wall and the rest can be duds.

[–] 1 points 1 year ago

Lesson learned,to be honest I interview every client first before I take the job ,if I don't like them I pass ,so money doesn't mean anything compared to your mental health now you know

[–] 1 points 1 year ago

She wasn't fucking having it

Certainly, kids are tough to handle on many occasions. The times I've worked with kids and they don't want to cooperate as much, I take a picture of them doing anything (doesn't matter even if they're looking away from the camera or looking down or up, just make sure their face is shown) and then show them the picture. I tell them something along the lines of "Hey, look at this! This is how you look! Do you like it?" In the few occasions I've done this, they go CRAZY about it and start laughing and smiling and overall more cooperative. Sure, this is not 100% guaranteed to improve their mood but is worth the shot.

[–] 1 points 1 year ago (2 children)

You’ve gotten some great advice but I’d also like to mention that it may also be a good idea to hold off on minis until you’re more experienced OR only offer them to established clients.

Minis can be STRESSFUL. I have a love/hate relationship with them. If you don’t know the clients - it can be even more stressful to for that into 15 minutes. You have no idea what to expect.

I started only offering holiday minis to my established clients and if I need to fill a spot - I’ll maybe take someone new. It isn’t AS stressful.

Even with established clients - sometimes this is how it goes. I’ve offered to redo a shoot or two because I truly didn’t get any good pictures. The clients were glad I was honest up front.

[–] 1 points 1 year ago (1 children)

Definitely this. 15 mins is for clients who KNOW how to quickly pose a thier family, arrive on time, dressed and ready and you having a good ability to control an environment.

[–] 1 points 1 year ago

Totally!! I wish someone would have told me not to do minis until I was more experienced and had established clients lol. Would’ve saved me a lot of stress and energy 🤣.

[–] 1 points 1 year ago

Yes this. Minis five the photographer less time to get great shots. I see a lot of people try to start with minis and I feel it is SO backwards.

[–] 1 points 1 year ago (2 children)

This must be so frustrating for the full time professionals out there. Being undercut by basically an amateur who’s just looking to make a few extra bucks

[–] 1 points 1 year ago

You know no one starts professional. Everyone starts as an amateur

I’m sure you also started out as an amateur, everyone does. I’m working my ass off to turn this into a career, so I will learn, and I will offer lower prices and if you call that “undercutting” I think you should reminisce on your days as a beginner and ask yourself if you felt like you were worth the same amount as the “professionals” at the time. Am I undercutting people who are already getting fully booked anyway? Or am I pricing myself appropriately for my work while I continue to learn and grow?

[–] 1 points 1 year ago

Yes, if you feel like your photos are not good, then you give them a refund, of course.

Also, you have to understand the photography part this kind of job is very minor, the actual job is to manage people to get what you want. And it’s a very hard job.

[–] 1 points 1 year ago

You're getting some good advice here, but you're also getting some of the worst advice I've ever seen in this sub, and I'm worried it'll discourage you from continuing.

You were running mini sessions, and most people don't seem to know what "mini" means. Sure, maybe your settings were off, but 300+ shots in 15 minutes is only bad for a mini during editing. Any more than 15 minutes, 20 max, and it's not a mini session anymore.

Your only real mistake was not having someone help wrangle kids. I've done daycare photos for 15 years, and I have SECONDS to win a kid over to not cry (in my timeframe, if a baby or toddler smile, it's a coincidence) and if the teachers I ask to sit beside the kid to stop them from bolting out don't care, I'm having a bad day.

Take a second look at the photos. You may be just frazzled. If they're still as bad as you say, contact the mom, tell her the issue. The odds are good she understands. Offer to reshoot or refund, but don't lose any more sleep over one mini session.

[–] 1 points 1 year ago

15 minutes?

[–] 1 points 1 year ago
  • 15 minutes for most shoots is incredible short. I would recommend AT LEAST 30 minutes.

  • Be an assistant photographer for a photo studio, wedding photography, and live events. You'll learn so much. You're working in a professional atmosphere and real live environment. Let them know you're willing to work for less pay so you can gain the invaluable experience.

  • If you can't land an assistant job then practice with your friends and family so you're more comfortable doing photo shoots. Practice shooting with studio lights, indoors, outdoors, low light, etc.

  • I'm not sure how comfortable and experienced you are with your camera. Make sure you understand your camera functions and lenses thoroughly. Have you presets laid out for any scenario, for example, photo shoots, street photography, sports, etc.

[–] 1 points 1 year ago

if you've taken 340 pictures and failed to get one good photo, then this business aint for you. Regardless of how awful the client is/was

[–] 1 points 1 year ago

If you're having this issue this early on In your photo career and charging less than half the rate of other photographers in the area you're probably not ready to be charging people tbh.

[–] 1 points 1 year ago (1 children)

Alright folks are being real jerks and calling it tough love. I’m just gonna give you actual tough love that’s useful and not shitting on you. I’m a family photographer and I specialize in candids. If you want to see me work I have the link on my Reddit profile.

First: minis are like the boss level of a dungeon crawler. You have 15-30 minutes to get great photos of strangers. That’s hard. In a normal hour session, I need the first 15 just to get to know my subject and get them comfortable with me and the camera (especially if they haven’t had photos done before). So while I respect your effort in this one, I’d say instead maybe try offering like holiday specials, do 45 minutes for $150. They don’t make as much money compared to the 15 minute minis you were doing but they raise your chance for repeat clients because you have more time.

Second: I keep seeing a lot of folks talking about how you need and assistant for family photos, especially with little ones. I can confidently say, no you do not. I am a family photographer and I work alone. My family photos have won awards and the oldest child I’ve photographed is 5 years old. The key is communication with the parents. Put it in your contract and also discuss either them that they will wrangle the little one but you will engage with the kid to help entertain. You and the parents or adults are a team and you expect that team work will make that magic happen. So I have parents bring a toy, both ones the kids love and an aesthetic one if they’d prefer. I tell the parents I don’t mind if the kid plays in the grass if they don’t. I make sure the parents that hire me know I’m not there to get super posed photos, I’m there to get photos of their family, as it is. So if baby Tommy likes to eat dirt, then I guess we will have photos of that because I make it clear I will not be telling the children no or disciplining unless they are risking their well being.

Third: I understand why you took 360 photos in 15 minutes but I’m telling you, it’ll serve you much better to take less photos and slow down. I take about 250 photos in a one hour session with a family of four. You have to at some point trust that you can get the shot. Its hard to practice this without kids so I recommend either photographing pets or animals. They aren’t the same but they move similar to children which is unpredictable. Figure out how to master your autofocus or get quick at manually focusing. I personally don’t like autofocus, I prefer manually focusing. That’s just me! Something that can help you take less photos but more that you like overall, give yourself prompts to photograph and then only let yourself take one photo of the thing your photographing. This is a personal time project rather than a client one. Basically the goal is to slow down, compose the shot, and get rid of “will there has to be at least one good one in there.” Throw away the idea that the camera took a good photo. You are the photographer, you take the good photo.

Fourth: to get more families to practice with, while also not discrediting yourself, offer a special. This is going to be controversial but this is what I did and it helped a ton. Do a special like “everyone that books with me now through next week for the month of January will be entered to receive their session entirely free” or “I have three slots available in December for any families who are willing to allow me to experiment with some new concepts. The session cost is on me as a thank you for your participation.” Both of these allow you to get clients you can practice with and they remove the performance anxiety of being paid. They also don’t undervalue your work. I never offer discounts. Ever. No 50% off, no 10% off. It’s either full price or it’s free. I’m not on sale. I can gift my time but I will not discount it. There’s a huge difference in the two.

Fifth: I know it’s frustrating for us when the parents just don’t give a fuck but imagine how awful that lady felt with her husband for basically being a lump on a log while she wrangled the kid for photos. Like absolutely you’re allowed to be frustrated, not discrediting that! Also perspective usually helps me calm down.

Okay finally: what do you do about the photos for this particular client. Either let her know you only got a few you liked and you’d like to offer her a redo session for free, or find five in the 360 you took. The kid doesn’t have to be smiling or looking at you. Try to look at the photos as if it was your own kid if you need to in order to see the cutest moments or something. Even if you don’t want them as return clients, they tell friends and if they are sending the Christmas card out, imagine that that someone might ask who took the photos. So do what you need to do in order to feel proud of yourself or maintain your sense of integrity.

Sorry that was a novel. I just hate bullies and people who shit on new folks. Photography is my absolute passion and I’m a more the merrier kind of person.

[–] 1 points 1 year ago (1 children)

This is very good advice and well said.

[–] 1 points 1 year ago

Sounds like this family gets to send Christmas cards out this year with only 1 or 2 photos 😬

I’d be mortified if my kids knocked anything over anywhere.

I would expect to pay more if my kids were a-holes.

I would expect to pay more if my kids needed to me wrangled for photos, not less.

I’ve done mini shoots and promo shoots as a customer with my kids and husband/boyfriends before and expressed to them I expected their BEST BEHAVIOR because these things were going to family and on my walls FOREVER.

It isn’t all on you. But you should have stuff in your contract with your clients. Mine have always said if we missed our appointments our fee was void. If our kids were jerks the fee was void. If we damaged stuff in studio the fee was void. That a limited time slot AND limited number of pictures were being taken and that we would choose X amount of photos from that set, and would choose Y amount to be printed from that set in Z sizes.

[–] 1 points 1 year ago

I might get buried for this. And it's asking if you have a totally SEPARATE skill.

But is it possible to photoshop several of the bad pictures together into one good picture?

I did this all the time when I was doing Wedding and Engagement photography. If you're good at it, no one will ever know. It pretty much became a secret weapon, as long as the photos are in focus there is almost nothing I can't fix in post.

I’ve paid for mini sessions for 5 photos. They are 15 minutes and usually a someone who is a semi professional learning. They were too hard on you and not respectful to you.

[–] 1 points 1 year ago

One nugget of advice with any client. Make it collaborative and get away from transactional. The more the client is invested, they’ll be active instead of waiting for you to “do something”. When I changed that one thing, my interactions have been better than ever.

[–] 1 points 1 year ago

As a portrait photographer of 10+ years I would not offer 15min sessions. What a nightmare! My number 1 priority is making sure my clients are comfortable and relaxed and with some people that can take 30mins.I also do makeup and hairstyling, so that aids in setting the atmosphere and getting people to relax. I do wonder what the motivation for newbies to do minis is. It seems that you do not feel confident in your craft and thus you need to charge as little as possible.

Photography is important and should be highly regarded - That starts with photographera themselves. It's not fast food. You are capturing and documenting people's lives, moment, milestones and creating images to cherish.

Here's a tip, photograph friends until you feel like you should charge properly. Offer a mini shoot session to a group of friends and their kids on the proviso that they share and recommend you. Gather Google reviews etc. Get good at your craft! I'm much more a fan of newbies shooting for free rather than undercutting my profession. Also mini sessions undercut you. My sessions don't include any prints and my prints start at $200. I'm not even the most expensive, but I know my worth.

Here's the thing if you compete on price and discount your services you will attract complainers.

Your prices should be worked out based on what you need and want to make in a year, not by looking at what everyone else in your area charges and then undercutting because you don't think you are as good. Photographers need to stop doing that because at the end of the day, it's not real or sustainable. I guarantee those other photographer did the exact same thing with their pricing.

So offer them a reshoot AND give their money back. Make sure you win them over and they walk away living the experience and the photos. Don't set a timer, be there for as long as it takes. Connect with husband, he obviously felt uncomfortable. Make everyone smile and also don't forget how very important it is that the mother is present in the photo. So many women are invisible as they aew always the ones taking the pictures of the kids with dad. What an incredible opportunity to learn!! Good luck!