
joined 1 year ago

One tip I heard when I first got a job is if you go shopping and pay with a debit card, don't be afraid to get $10-20 cash back just to throw in a rainy day fund. Granted the person that told me this used it to hide money from her husband but the point still stands.

Always keep emergency/rainy day money because you never know when you'll need it

An FPS where your NPC allies/companions don't routinely run in front of you while you're shooting

An RPG hat doesn't have unique items buried in a radiant/procedurally generated quest line

[–] 1 points 1 year ago (1 children)

I always find it strange because dark modes and light text on black backgrounds bugs the hell out of my eyes.

No, it would've been something along the lines of "A: We are evaluating it at this time for the best approach moving forward"

The same powermods that teed up his prepared answers...

[–] 1 points 1 year ago* (last edited 1 year ago) (2 children)

Radiant quests. You can never complete the game because of this, the quests are generic and repetitive and offer nothing but "stretch the playtime".

That and mechanics like "rando dragon attacks in Skyrim" and "City is under attack" from Fallout 4. I quit F4 because I was on my way to a mission and got the "city under attack notification, and on my way to defend another city was under attack.

Since I don't have FB, IG nor twitter...nope.