
joined 1 year ago
[–] 4 points 3 days ago

Oh, they totally do. That's why I'd suggest not punching a Nazi in front of the cops, even if they 100% deserved it. The cops will arrest you much quicker than they will a fascist even if you do the same exact thing.

And also definitely YMMV on whether this works at all, I'm in Massachusetts where the cops have to at least pretend they're doing their jobs so they will typically detain Nazis if they take an actual swing at someone. Other states this might not work at all.

[–] 35 points 3 days ago (2 children)

Nazis get worse if you don't actively oppose them. That can look like punching them, but it can also look like actively ostracizing them by taking away their jobs, denying them participation in community events, or just straight up shaming them in public.

Pacifism only works if the other side isn't willing to kill you. These jackasses fantasize about genociding people as a hobby, so if you think pacifism is going to work for you then go right ahead but I'll be over here working on my defensive skills.

In many situations nazi-punching is not your best tactical decision, especially in the presence of cops. Using your words to hurt the poor Nazi snowflakes feelings works just as well and has the added benefit of potentially provoking them into getting themselves arrested if there are cops watching.

[–] 3 points 5 days ago

Agreed. We have kept wearing masks in specific places (public transit, crowded events, airplanes) and it really does make a difference. I never get sick from airplane trips any more, which used to be a fairly regular occurrence.

I will say, I was never able to figure out how to stop a properly fitted mask from giving me a terrible headache after 8 hours of use so I'm glad I work from home and don't need to make the choice of mask vs comfort at work.

[–] 3 points 6 days ago

Yep other EVs have this as well. The Hyundai IONIQ has great front sightlines for an SUV IIRC.

Still a car, but I admit EVs are much less hateable in a city for multiple reasons. No stinky tailpipe, no roaring engine noise, and generally better sightlines and safety features.

I think my ideal city would be mostly bikes and ebikes, with those vehicles that can't be replaced by bikes being EVs.

[–] 2 points 1 month ago (1 children)

Can't quote the lyrics without sharing the awesome lyric video!

Used to sing this song to my kid at bedtime but he hasn't asked for it lately. Maybe I'll try to work it back into the rotation.

[–] 2 points 1 month ago

I have a child and I'd be the first to recommend not having one. It's expensive, it wrecked me emotionally and physically, and I worry every day about what kind of world my kid will grow up into.

But all those things are worth it in the end to me because I really wanted to be a parent. My kid is an absolute treasure to me and I put up with the suffering because I do genuinely love parenting and love seeing him grow up. If I was any less enthusiastic about the process going in, I would have either run away or killed myself by now. That's how demoralizing and traumatic parenting can be. Granted I have a special needs kid but so do probably 10% of parents so do you want to roll those dice?

All that aside, the fact is that parenting these days is filled with societal obstacles. With both parents working, you're rationing sick days and constantly running out, leaving no time for vacation or personal days off. This leaves the option of either taking unpaid days off or reducing one's working hours. Since no one is home doing housework all day, working parents spend their evenings and nights doing housework. If you need to run an errand or take the kid to a doctor's appointment, that comes out of either your paid work time or your free time. Childcare is both expensive and hard to get, with wait-lists for daycares in some cities of several months. And once your kid is in public school, you have to find after school care, which is not guaranteed for every kid at every school.

And don't even get me started about summer. Three months of cobbled-together summer camps and asking/begging family members and friends to watch your kid when their busy schedules permit. If your kid has special needs or requires trained caregivers, you are out of luck.

These are fixable problems, but they require massive government-subsidized investment in childcare and parental leave structures and the government is not doing that. Childcare salaries are so low that the supply of daycare teachers is basically dried up. Same with public school teachers and afterschool caregivers. Why work as an afterschool teacher when you can be an independent nanny and make twice as much per hour? As for parental leave, there is no requirement that parental leave cover anything beyond the bare bones of the time needed to give birth, leaving most new parents to burn through their entire year's worth of sick time during their babies first month of life when there is a doctor's appointment just about every week. Then blow through it again next year when the kid gets sick twice a month in daycare. My kid is six years old and this is the first year I haven't run out of sick days before June.

Our society was designed for families with at least one full-time caregiver, and now that is basically impossible but the system has not been updated. This game is not designed for us. So why would anyone choose to play?

[–] 26 points 1 month ago (1 children)

Sparse on details but she was with an older man who was not her relative so I'm not hopeful it's a good reason. 😣

[–] 139 points 1 month ago (5 children)

Found safe and alive! I wish they'd put that in the title of the article but of course they want you to click on it.

[–] 0 points 2 months ago (1 children)

They don't. My local shop has a waiting room with coffee, sodas, Wi-Fi, and seating/desks. Plenty of people (myself included) bring their work with them to the shop while their car is fixed. Also I've definitely seen people driving around loaner vehicles from dealerships before which is kinda a solution?

But you're right that it sucks that our society has designed places where it's impossible to get around without a car. My car shop is a short bus ride from my house or a slightly longer walk. If I take my car to the dealership, which is farther away, home is a bike ride away or I can go to the shops nearby. I'd guess this is the case in most denser urban areas except maybe some US cities which are just terribly laid out.

[–] 10 points 2 months ago (2 children)

They help significantly to combat the heat island effect in cities and provide shade and cooler microclimates for people to shelter in when it's hot.

Just try going to a shady tree-lined path vs. a paved treeless path on a sunny day and you'll be pretty clear on the meaning of this meme.

So yes we can't stop global warming with trees alone but we can mitigate the local effects of it all while providing habitat for birds and shade for people and lots of other benefits besides.

This article has a pretty good review if you want to take a look at some of the benefits!

And here's a more plain-language website about urban trees:

[–] 10 points 2 months ago (1 children)

Aw damn thanks for fixing that! Yes I wrote it as a list and yes I forgot the double space. Still haven't figured out bullet points in lemmy

[–] 27 points 2 months ago* (last edited 2 months ago) (4 children)

Advantages of bras:

  • Look nice (if you're into that look, which many people are)

  • Keep your nipples from chafing

  • Support/containment for larger boobs

  • Keep prudish people from being mad at your nipples

  • Can be worn without a shirt for sports if they cover enough real estate

  • When breastfeeding, help catch/absorb leaks

Disadvantages of bras:

  • Uncomfortable if not fitted right
  • Sweaty as fuck on hot days
  • Expensive
  • Many have to be hand washed if they are fancy

I would say I wear bras about 30-50% of the time and it's usually for either support/chafing prevention or looks. The rest of the time I can't be bothered. I'm also lucky to not have super large breasts. I know women who do may find a good fitted bra to be more comfortable than no bra.

When I was breastfeeding I wore them all the time though because it is super awkward to leak through your shirt in public.

Edited to add bullet points bc I suck at lemmy formatting


Hey all, I'm curious if anyone has experience planting shallots in the fall to overwinter in New England or a similar climate (6a-6b). I'm in the Boston area so we get cold winters but they're not brutal and I have some friends who grow garlic over winter with great success. I've read that shallots are less hardy than garlic but I don't really have any experience with root vegetables over winter so I have personally no clue!

I'm planning to try growing them in a raised bed and could potentially put row cover on them if that changes things.

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