At least the fediverse can draw the Canadian flag. Reddit had a hard time
I bet he wouldn't have bothered lying about this if they hadn't just approved his $56B bonus
Get a deal on it now before the next recall!
It doesn't work with snow too does it?
If I remember correctly it sprinkled for 10 minutes that morning and he was worried his face would run
I'm 45. Been training for years in boxing. All the time a fresh 20-something shows up and just on stamina alone surpasses me within months. I just can't train as much or as hard as they do, plus I'm not as quick and I get injuries more often.
Layoffs imminent
There is a massive ribbon cable coming out the bottom. He could have contracted a few samples from an OLED manufacturer or it's a component to a commercial product not available for sale.
Rich white men and racism. Can you name me a better pair?
Donald Trump announced shortly after that he too would never pardon his son Eric. He was quoted as saying "I never liked that kid."
What a waste of his time. Detroit isn't going to vote Trump in any meaningful way. The best he can hope for is voter apathy and not say something racist whiles he's there