
joined 11 months ago

I didn't quite understand that either. Do they mean a thread in a post that was on r/all?


So, I'm obviously new to studio lighting. I understand the basics of exposure and I'm aware of the inverse square law, which leads me to the question in my title: how can the remote trigger on the camera adjust the flash power for the off camera flash?

Do you have to input the distance the flash is from the subject? I found a Wikipedia article describing how TTL metering works, but I think my question is different.

Honestly any guidance on how to learn how to calculate exposure using multiple strobes would be appreciated.

Use the obvious stuff. If the goal of sharing is people seeing your photos, the more obvious the better I figure..

As for selling, think of what anyone you know might actually buy. The only photos anyone I know has actually bought are photos of their children or themselves during their wedding.

Even with famous or professional photographers, normal people don't buy their photos directly, companies do. We buy stuff that happens to have their photo on it or were advertised with those photos. Try taking photos for a local diner's menu or call local website developers and see if they need a photograher to take photos of their client's business for a website?