
joined 10 months ago
[–] 1 points 10 months ago

As others have said there is a lot of diff factors but I think it’s generally true. I’ve run many different businesses and 5 years is kind of the sweet spot I’d say. Sure we prob made our first dollar of profit in year 2 but getting the business to the point it is enjoyable and actually paying real money without me having to run the day to day has always easily been 5 years.

[–] 1 points 10 months ago

You weren’t around in 2008. Plenty of people absolutely lost their ass in real estate. Ruined a lot of lives. I hold a lot of real estate and am consistently bullish on it but it isn’t just as easy as it feels like you’re suggesting. There are plenty of people on social media spewing absolute bullshit about how much they’re making in real estate and I can guarantee that 98% of it is total bullshit.

Real estate is a slow build and there are a ton of smart people in it so it’s pretty competitive. I’ve always held a steady job and then done real estate with the extra money I have. We’re almost at a point of the real estate regenerating so the job would be less critical.

I do home mortgages as a job and I see plenty of late twenty’s people with $200k+ jobs in tech. If it was me and I had their skills I’d live cheap, and just use that nice salary to build a rental portfolio. By the time you’re 40 you could easily be cash flowing enough off rentals that you could retire if you do it right. But the interesting thing about intelligence related work (as opposed to physical work) is that as you get older your effort and time contribution to work goes down but your pay goes up. You may hit 40 and have a nice rental portfolio going but also be making $300k in a nice comfy job.

I guess what I’m saying is, can you do both?

EDIT: you were around in 2008 but not old enough to register the fuckery.

[–] 1 points 10 months ago

I’d just buy it and clean it up and become the second hand brewery supply warehouse. Where I live there’s a brewery on almost every corner. Next year there will be twice as many. I’d skip trying to repurpose it and go into remarketing it. I know where I live the online marketing for auctions sucks ass (and we are a micro tech hub here) so if you can just market your wares to a wider audience you’ll prob make good money.

[–] 3 points 10 months ago

See a counselor together. There’s obviously something causing a trust issue, and it’s probably completely minor. A counselor can help you sort it out. My wife and I saw one years ago and it was awesome. We’re on a great path now but often I wish we still saw one with some regularity.

Your analogy about the phone is spot on. You’re not doing anything wrong but do you really want someone seeing your search history about “how long do hemorrhoids last?” Hell nah.

[–] 1 points 10 months ago (1 children)

Jesus Christ. These fucking moronic questions “about business” are getting fucking old. I have several friends doing 7 figures and never once have they asked this question. You need to worry about sales and revenue…