
joined 5 months ago

There is something about "two weeks" that the Republicans have figured out....

  • Trump's Obamacare replacement
  • George Santos saying he'll release his "Jew-ish" ancestry

I'm sure there are others.

There is a mayor that came out against Trump early in the election, I think even before Biden dropped out.

I am not aware of any Republican who are running for an elected office who have come out against Trump.

[–] 10 points 9 hours ago (1 children)

I think in the beginning he was testing the waters to see what he could get away with. He got more brazen as he got to the end of his term.

[–] 1 points 11 hours ago

I touch type with fingers on the home row with a slight drive and my max is 110 wpm, average about 90.

I'm very impressed.

[–] 9 points 11 hours ago (1 children)

I'm getting more convinced that the two assassination attempts were GOP operations.

[–] 12 points 11 hours ago

If Google could just fucking do RCS on Google voice, that'd be great

[–] 2 points 11 hours ago

This reads like Dennis Duffy wrote it.

[–] 14 points 15 hours ago

You can take your own passport photos. You just need a white background.

[–] 0 points 21 hours ago* (last edited 21 hours ago)

People may revere Dolly. But given the propensity for violence by the Alt-right, she isn't going to risk damage to her parks or threats to her employees.

The only upside Dolly has is standing on the right side of history but that's not something she'll see in her lifetime.

Edit: Though if Dolly were to endorse Harris, and she were to (heaven forbid) experience alt-right violence, I could see that as the catalyst for base Republicans moving towards the center.

[–] 4 points 1 day ago (1 children)

My very cursory glance at the paper is that basically they are encrypting live calls. Basically they are doing what zoom has been doing since the pandemic.


fmovies has been gone almost a month. I should have added "FBI" up there but really they used FBI to shoot down the service, not be like them.

I don't understand when these companies are going to learn that sharing their IP is going to get them more money than being so fractured.

I started using sudo-lol and seems okay. Streaming can be hinky at times but it works for most of the things I want to watch.

I know that torrenting can be a thing but sometimes I just want to watch and not deal with a whole finding a torrent, download, and then watch workflow.


I know it occasionally has service disruptions, but it usually comes back up after a day or so. Fmovies has been down for almost the entire week for me.

Anyone else having issues?


Good day self-hosters! I'm not exactly sure what to call what I'm looking for besides a "clipboard". Let me describe my problem and what my ideal solution is.

At work, I get a lot of slack DMs that ask for the same information. It's not consistent to the point I would just pin the information in my Windows 11 clipboard. But it's often enough that I'd prefer to give people the same information each time it's asked.

I'm limited in what I can build on my work computer. In an ideal world, I'd do what Gilfoyle did and make and bot but I lack the time and skills for such a task. Right now, I solve this with a very long notepad, which is subject to copy/paste errors. If I don't highlight everything correctly or if I accidentally copy over an existing line. That kind of thing.

What I was thinking was a very simple website where the items I'm copying are in tiles that can be tagged and searched. Once I find what I'm looking for, I can click the button to copy it to my clipboard and then go on with my life.

Due to restrictions on my work computer, I cannot host containers or host a website, though a fully self-contained HTML page with javascript I could do.. Ideally this is something that can be build using Github Pages build with Jekyll but so far, I haven't found a theme that mimics the behavior I'm looking for and I lack the time (though not the skills) to build it.

I'd prefer the github route so that I can share the page with others on my team who get asked similar questions.

I am also able to deploy a website via Github Pages (with .nojekyll).

I have to think something similar to this already exists but I imagine the restrictions on having no backend might be the challenge. Love to hear your thoughts!

Edit: added context for Gilfoyle

Thank you all for the great suggestions. I should have added in this post that my work does not allow software with Copyleft (Don't get me started. I'm a strong copyleft advocate and it annoys me that my company only takes and never gives back to OSS). I'm going to give TiddlyWiki out. License is friendly with my work, seems simple enough to run.

That said, Logseq seems to be pretty interesting as well. Might try this out on my on machine to see if I like it.

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