And when one client sends actuons that are weird and doesn’t line up with it’s internal game state
What if my hacked client sends actions that are not weird, completely plausible, but didn't happen and instead were faked? E.g. I take a headshot and would have missed, but my client sends data that I actually shot them dead center, because I wasn't completely off? How would the server know it wasn't me?
But according to that article it's still trusting the client. It's just validating that the action was within the realm of possibilities, not that it wasn't faked.
From the article (highlighting from me):
The article continues to state:
But what if they were in an open position, got behind a wall, and then got shot, a fraction of a second later, when they thought they were safe?
What's stated above already happens in Apex, telling us that they already do everything this article is talking about. This article mentions nothing new and doesn't solve the problem of clients sending fake data that is within the realm of possibilities - e.g. a headshot when you were actually off by a bit.