
joined 11 months ago
[–] 1 points 10 months ago

Cool kids never have the time

[–] 1 points 10 months ago

I haven't heard the X9000 yet but I agree with you on the CRBN. I visited NYC last month and was so excited to test out the CRBN at Audio46. I was overall disappointed. The treble was noticeably recessed which I feel defeats the purpose of spending that much $ on an electrostat. However they definitely weren't using an ideal amp.

I've been on the hunt for a headphone stand that has all the same features but taller and with sturdier, more attractive materials. I love that Zexdok incorporates a wireless phone charger that actually faces me instead of laying flat at the base. I can't find a single other option that does this. Unfortunately Zexdok is garbage for multiple reasons:

  • Too short. Any bulky headphones will bump into the phone while it's docked. Earpads hang lower than the photo on Amazon leads you to believe. If they didn't alter that photo then wow the Beats headphones are tiny.
  • Materials are too light. Doesn't take much force to knock it over and potentially damage your headphones or phone.
  • No cable management for the charger.
  • Hideous. Their dumb brand name ZEXDOK (sounds like sex talk) is in big bold letters on the front (also it's crooked on mine).
[–] 1 points 10 months ago

I haven’t tried any other $3000 closed-backs but I really don’t see any closed-back being worth that much unless for some reason you prefer a smaller soundstage. To me the only benefit of closed-back is isolation. If I’m already alone in a quiet environment then I will always prefer open-back. I work remote 90% of the time so I’d like to get myself a high tier electrostatic headphone next year.

[–] 1 points 11 months ago (2 children)

I’ve had the Stellia for a few months. I love it with EQ. Without EQ, I would only recommend it to bass heads. It’s far too dark for me. Definitely not worth $3,000 imo but it’s not hard to find it on sale.