A community for discussion around all topics related to headphones and personal audio.
Yeah me too. I’m bringing my phonograph on the subway and nobody can stop me
I make sure to have a live jazz band follow me at all times
Yeah I also buy overpriced vinyl editions of albums originally recorded digital and which are basically wav files recorded to plastic and I feel good.
WTF man, you gotta turn that MEGA BASS on!
Next stop: Distortion City!
Welcome to 1979
Cool kids never have the time
In all seriousness: it drives the 3s just fine, but it, um, sounds like a walkman, so it isn't replacing digital sources anytime soon. I do get a kick out of repairing these, though I don't listen to them much. This one needed belts and all new electrolytic capacitors.
I forgot it was Monday
I was about to roll my eyes until I realized what day it is.
Jokes aside, I notice you used BTR3K. How's it for you?
It's great. Small, decent materials, and has more than enough power to drive IEMs and most low-impedance headphones. If you want a better equalizer or more power, get the Qudelix 5k or the new Fiio BTR15 (whenever those become available).